thank you...


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so to everyone who cares.....YOU ALL ARE RIGHT. Im sorry wasnt trying to be dramatic, I was just overly irritated and pissed with my tank. This wont be the last youve heard of me.............I think flintsers right...a 90 gal build will do me some good.....
Nothing to apologize for... I have been on the verge of sledgehammer justice with my tank more than I care to admit.
yeah for real i wanted to break my tank a million times even now fighting this good dam ph problem my ph dropped to 7.65 and its at 8.06 now i need to add a kalk reactor soon
No doubt, I am a little hotheaded, so I know how it goes, trying to fit a new light into my canopy got pissed and judo chopped the front rail. Not my best moment but made me feel better, then I felt like shat after I calmed down. Just happens sometimes.
yeah-welcome back Jeff--like everyone said-it's something that goes through allof our heads at some time or another--Hey Saltwater Junky--how the hell you gonna set your tank ablaze??? lol
Cameron;133839 wrote: Nothing to apologize for... I have been on the verge of sledgehammer justice with my tank more than I care to admit.

Ain't that the truth... I do not know how many times I have had to talk you down of the ledge...

Seriously though Jeff, If you want some help, feel free to ask!
I've always wanted to take a hammer to my tank.....not only when Im angry but sometimes when Im happy too.....I just think it would be so cool to see the glass break and the water just tidal wave out.....but then I think of the few negatives with this idea and I quickly decide against it. One day I may do it with an old, scratched up tank and in a park or something..... that would be fun!

Anyway....glad to hear your staying Jeff!
I've wanted to take a bat to my tank many a time before. But then I thnk about how that wouldn't even scratch the tank and it would annoy me even more :(