Thanks for the Elegance!


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Hey Rit,

Thanks for making that deal work for me.
My wife was super surprised when she saw it sitting in the tank.

Lucky for me, she called her mother and started chatting for over an hour.
That gave me all the time I needed to acclimate it and get it in the tank.

She walked past it three or four times before she saw it.
Then...she executed a perfect TKD punch to my chest (with love of course)."></a>


I thought we agreed on a "small Elegance".
This one is bigger than the first one we had. :up:
indecloudzua;955582 wrote: if thats the small one i wonder how big the other one was!!lol..looks great..

No doubt!

I know he has some monsters. Some the size of footballs.
Beautiful stuff, no doubt about that.

My wife keeps telling me, this ones bigger than the other one.
Atlanta Aquarium;955626 wrote: Hey Tony. Thanks for posting the video. Glad everyone liked it. :)

Rit (and others), what do you think about the flow on the Elegance?
Too much?
Atlanta Aquarium;955660 wrote: Looks like he's getting a bit of flow. As long as he's happy there, that is all that matter. :)

He's (I call it a she) seems even happier today.
My wife does the placement of everything. I simply sat her on the bottom. My wife got in there today and put all the little frags where she wanted them and sat the Elegance into it's final location. This is just a few inches toward the rear of the tank. Not so close to the front glass.

My concern is that she's getting the right amount of flow.

This is where the first one was and it was doing great until the introduction of the TechM.

I suspect this one will be just as happy there as the other one once was.

Here's a full tank video.

I hope the video works as desired.

If not, here's a link: