The comeback is on


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So I’m trying to turn my main tank around. I’ve neglected it for the better part of a year. I’m working on cleaning dead corals out and getting my equipment cleaned up. Anyways I found this blasto buried underneath a large monti cap. There was just a little flesh showing on it. That was about 3 weeks ago or so. This is it today. It’s starting to get color and there’s about 5 polyps coming back. I’ll try to keep this updated as things hopefully get better in the tank.


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Awesome! Another comeback kid :) I’m trying again too, although I didn’t have any thing alive coral wise at all LOL
well it does help to clean and RUN your equipment lol. I’ve had my skimmer off line since around the time my daughter was born. I cleaned it two days ago and has been overflowing like crazy since until around noon today then it pull this in the picture. It’s pretty wet skimmate but it’s doing the trick. I just need to dial it in.

I lost probably 90% of my corals since I’ve let the tank go. I lost a huge birds nest, which was actually taking over the tank so good riddance, a nice, Harry SPS colony, three dinner plate sized monti colonies, and a large hammer and torch. My frogspawn is hanging in there and my turn around if I continue the maintenance. I can’t remember the last time I did a water change . I’ve still got a colony of bubble gum monster chalice, a ton of cool shrooms, and some rhodactous(spelling) shrooms and a bunch of zoas.


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wow thats a lot of skimmate for 2 days what size is the tank and nice going with the recovery on the tank
Have you tested your phosphates and nitrates Sean? I’m curious what those levels are, I’m also wondering what is alk at?
Glad you finally decided to put some effort behind it :)
I’m sure your baby is still keeping you up and not much time left for the tank but I applaud your effort!
wow thats a lot of skimmate for 2 days what size is the tank and nice going with the recovery on the tank

It’s a 90g

What's your plan for recovering? Besides turning on the skimmer!

Hopefully I can get back on track with water changes and cleaning out there aptasia in the tank. I don’t want to dose so I’ll prolly just keep things simple from here on out.

Have you tested your phosphates and nitrates Sean? I’m curious what those levels are, I’m also wondering what is alk at?
Glad you finally decided to put some effort behind it :)
I’m sure your baby is still keeping you up and not much time left for the tank but I applaud your effort!

I don’t even want to know what my levels are at. Seriously I can’t remember the last time I did a water change. My mixing station is in the garage so during the summer the water temps get super high and it makes me anxious about adding it to the tank.

She loves sitting and looking at the tank so I figured I’d give her something nice to look at.
I have been rehabbing a couple of tanks for the last few months. Really starting to see some progress now. Be patient there are no hidden magic buttons to press. I have had many corals survive and even a few resurrections.

Blastos are one tough coral. I swear I could put them in the backyard and they would grow. All of my blasto colonies survived and actually thrived.