The e-mail


Well-Known Member
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Dacula, GA
I’m really disgusted by the email sent to the entire membership. This is old news and sour grapes.
The past needs to be left in the past. My God I can’t believe how many people are taking that email as GOSPEL. The people in the group now are good, helpful and honest people. It’s hurting my heart to see so many people bashing it because of the words of ONE person! And his business partner Lawrence Meloro III who is doing his best to fan the flames. If he “loves” the club so much why would he send out an email with the absolute intention of destroying it?
Look into your heart, look over your forum questions over the past year or so and see how many of your questions were answered by the former president compared to the current members of the BoD and trustees. I’m very sorry for the loss of his mother but I’ve lost both of my parents and didn’t just drop all my responsibilities because I was grieving.
I truly hope everyone can get past this and we can grow this club bigger and better than ever. The virus has made it more difficult but let’s not let happenings of the past destroy the future.
I truly believe that we can move on from this. The Club needs to do whatever it needs to do. If that means archiving everything from the last update back and we lose some stuff we do. I just need to screenshot DM’s of all the corals I’ve purchased and haven’t picked up yet well into my 4th week in the hospital. See, ARC members have been kind enough to hold them for me (they’re bought and paid for) due to my situation. I appreciate that. That’s what membership and relationship building is about. No store would do that for me.
Those of us truly committed to the club will stay and help it grow, the rest will go and more will come who want to be here and make it great. I’m in....who’s with me?
Hey Nan, I’m with you! Hope you get out of there soon and get better quickly. I’m one of those holding Corals for you and happy to do it for as long as it takes...
I appreciate that Dave because today’s CT scan was not good news. I feel like I’m never going to go home. My husband could leave here and come get it on his way home but we always forget. Can’t wait to get it. Thanks for holding for me!
I appreciate that Dave because today’s CT scan was not good news. I feel like I’m never going to go home. My husband could leave here and come get it on his way home but we always forget. Can’t wait to get it. Thanks for holding for me!

Sorry to hear you got some not so good news. I’ll say a prayer for a speedy recovery and healing. Thanks for putting your faith in the current leaders. This club is meant to be a collective group of people sharing a passion for keeping a small piece of the ocean in boxes. I am confident this group will make strides to avoid this from happening again.
I feel that the email was more malicious than anything. Trying to create a reason to withhold information for something he is no longer responsible for. His subject line is clear on his intentions and those intentions are not of a leader trying to bring this community together, rather to harm individual’s reputations and sow a division amongst members. Him refusing to be an adult and talk to the current board these past few months is childish as it is, then to make demands before giving up the credentials is ridiculous. I was hoping he would just man up and give it all up and move on since he got his side coral business going.

I really don’t get why he rather drag his own reputation through the mud on this. When he called out Shawn, I was a bit shocked, but I’m glad he did after Shawn opened up the thread for all to see and how misleading and deceiving Jin’s intentions are.

I am happy with our board and all our members. I think we have a great group, before Covid, it was the first Christmas party I attended and I brought my kids and all. We’ll get past this with or without Jin’s help.
I feel that the email was more malicious than anything. Trying to create a reason to withhold information for something he is no longer responsible for. His subject line is clear on his intentions and those intentions are not of a leader trying to bring this community together, rather to harm individual’s reputations and sow a division amongst members. Him refusing to be an adult and talk to the current board these past few months is childish as it is, then to make demands before giving up the credentials is ridiculous. I was hoping he would just man up and give it all up and move on since he got his side coral business going.

I really don’t get why he rather drag his own reputation through the mud on this. When he called out Shawn, I was a bit shocked, but I’m glad he did after Shawn opened up the thread for all to see and how misleading and deceiving Jin’s intentions are.

I am happy with our board and all our members. I think we have a great group, before Covid, it was the first Christmas party I attended and I brought my kids and all. We’ll get past this with or without Jin’s help.
+1, very well said!
The most petty thing about the "Email" was it was not even signed. It is a pretty strong accusations, but no name is even attached. Longer term members up to date on the politics and people involved may know who sent it but many of us are in the dark.

It should be something that can be worked out even if some people are being jerks (and I don't know who is as I am new here). It would seem that it should be possible to keep the forum going without loss of weeks or months of posts, even if there are strong disagreements the data itself is certainly property of ARC club and not the property of any one person, no matter how much they believe that they were wronged. Small claims court may have to be the answer. If not an IT expert should be able to write a script to individually download all of the posts/likes since the last offsite October backup that we have access to.
I was actually warned about drama in the club on another thread a while back. I lurked for quite a while to make sure I wasn't getting into something I didn't want to be part of. Everybody seemed OK, and turned out to be even better than that. My only regret is I didn't get in before the pandemic so I could meet some people face to face.
I don't understand what this guy is trying to accomplish with all this. Seems like he is antagonizing/alienating a good portion of his potential customer base. I hope it all shakes out soon and we can leave it behind. Pretty sure I won't be buying anything from him regardless of who is right or wrong. Spamming anonymous attack emails is not really a practice I approve of.