The importance of a sump system and Anemones!


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I had a long night last night (partying) so I went to bed around 6am and my GBTA in his new home(moved from my downstairs tank) was nice and spread out. I woke up at 11am to find my tank cloudy and my GBTA sucked into the powerhead. I was totally's plan was to draw out my closed loop system so that I can eliminate my powerheads. I have a tiny 301 Powerhead in the upper most extreme of my tank and my GBTA was on the opposite end. When I woke up he apparently had let go his foot and must have drifted in the current then got caught in the powerhead. I am extremely upset at this loss and I just wanted to share that even when you think you are taking proper precautions you better go an extra step. I wont keep another Anemone unless I know for sure that this wont happen again. No i did not have a sponge on the Powerhead...why because I said it will be fine for one day :-( Moral of this story is even if you think nothing will go wrong in just one day your wrong it can. Always remember Murphy's Law...things will go wrong in any given situation, if you give them a chance!</em>
are you sure the anemone is completely dead? You'ld be very suprised how resilient these guys are. Ive had the same thing happen awhile ago and although it looks horrible the anemone has a good chance of coming back to life. The anemone that was sucudial in my tank got caught in a PH twice, once it took off the sponge to get tangled up and another time it was melted on my heater. All in all its sad loss, but it might be worth it to leave a chunk in the tank if you have some left. IMA that all this happened in my 25g anemone tank with no sump. Unfortunately tho anemones are very undecisive creatures, and they will move whenever they feel like it. Just make sure you ahve the precautions and you'll be ok.
nah im pretty sure he is a goner his foot was attached to a rock when i turned of the powerhead but his actual mouth was shredded and all his insides where outside it was a total massacre. Right now my tank is super cloudy I am on my way to buy some RO water because I dont have enough right now to do a 50%. I talked to Brandon we were gonna put him in a hospital tank but since his mouth and insides are totaly destroyed it pretty much is a lost cause. Really sucks he was an amazing anemone.
I'm tellin you, give it some time and I think it'll turn I said mine were a pile of mush and it came around, people dont give anemones much of a fighting chance but they are super strong animals.
problem is i took him out of the water to long i kinda wish i hadnt now but you live and learn...maybe a mistake but I am almost certain this anemone was dead it was mutalated I had a condy that had the same accident and it survived but it was nothing in comparison to this one.
If it was healthy to begin with, even if its a pile of mush it can usually reconstitute itself to some degree. If it wasn't healthy then forget about it. In the future if an anenome is stuck in a powerhead unless its easy to remove without further damage, let the lil guy back out of the thing itself.