The Invert Army


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Hey Guys,

I also wanted advice on keeping my army of inverts cool. Nobody is starving as I have plenty of algae (brown dust type) on my 30lbs of live rock (29g tank). I also leave seaweed supplements at night. What else can I do to keep everyone happy? My porcelain is a filter feeder, so what more can I do for him?

12 Scarlet Reef Hermit Crabs
13 Blue-footed Hermit Crabs
5 Brown-footed Hermit Crabs
10 Zebra-Leg Hermit Crabs
1 Porcelain Anemone Crab
2 Decorator? Crabs (Red?)
2 Mexican turbo snails
13 Astarea turbo snails
1 Skunk Cleaner Shrimp

I have one recommendation, pellet food. You can usually get them at any pet store with a fish section. Most are shrimp based but you can also get the kind of food that are in flakes but in pellet form. The crabs will happily eat any of these once they sink to the bottom. That may leave more algae for the snails.

You could also try increasing your photo period so you get more algae. I have been known to leave my glass unscraped for months to allow my snails good eating.
What do you mean by cool? Are you having a temp problem or are you talking about their attitude?