this is good to know. how accurate do you think it is compared to trident?
Don't get me started on the Trident, I am not a fan. I have one but I think it is garbage. Now, with that being said, I ordered the new ABC reagents, and I have read and spoke with a few very good friends that were on the same "trident sucks, train" as I am, but with the new reagents they are actually running very close to what they are testing by hand, so fingers crossed it will be good. My trident is saying 1172, I am actually 1340 and the saliferts was 1320 so well within the margin of error, but the trident is NOT in the margin of error. I will give you an update on ABC, it shipped today so I should have by Tuesday next week and I ordered the fauna marine calibration fluid so I can get totally away from neptune reagents/calibration fluid.
Example of Trident sucks.
KH Guardian is reading 8.12, Hannah 8.2 (well within the margin of error)
Trident 7.31
If I were to correct based on the Trident I would nuke my tank.
Hannah 364 - tested 3 times, 364, 365, 364 (used new vials with each test)
Trident 492
Again, if I were to adjust to bring down to 420 where I like to run, my tank wouldn't be happy, b/c it would drop closer to 300. I have 80 acros sucking up calcium right now, so I am working on dosing now, trying to figure out the daily usage so I can get that going.
KH/Hannah 1340/1320
Trident 1172
If I were to bring that up 250+ I would have very unhappy corals.
I have recalibrated the Trident 4 times over the last month, with different calibration fluids, swapped out the A/B/C with new 2 times tossing away the 3/4 full bottles. So that is a lot of wasted cash, even at wholesale its expensive.