The return of the Fat Head


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Powder Springs
Dendro that is :)
I totally thought this was a goner just like all the sun coral when that were subjected to Paly particles while they were open at night. After over two months it's still had orange but was not opening so I decided to take it out and feed it like I did my Wellsi when I fist got it (about dead).

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Looks bad, don't ya think!!

After 8-10 weeks it had not changed, so I did.
Every 2-3 nights I started taking it out of the tank and feed it by itself giving it low circulation with a turkey baster and tons of food. It popped out it's tentacles on the second night and never stopped eating!!
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The single Dendro I started with, calling it the mother did die but over 15 babies have popped up around it, it's going to be humongous!
Thanks y'all!
It was SO depressing when I lost all my beautiful LPS I just gave up. Months later when the Fat Head was still hanging on it became a challenge.
Of my (apx) 100 acans, 3 heads lived :(

ORYANSREEF;1098882 wrote: I hope I can save mine, the sun coral is my fav. but mine is down to 3 heads

Larger heads feed the best fresh frozen foods like Rods, Larry's or brine.

If they are not opening to feed, turn off power heads and gently squirt with Coral Frenzy a few times every few minutes. After they open, they can handle larger foods as above.
They need to be feed every other night until fat and healthy. Once established and healthy every three nights usually will do but they have to be spot fed or will never make it.

If you want to pass it to me, I'll try to save it :)

The only Sun Coral I've got now are babies from my colonies spawning before they all died. Evidently they were so small they didn't have tentacles yet and were not affected like the hundreds that I killed from Paly poison.
I was trying to eliminate aggressive Palys on a rock in the tank. I thought I had removed it all up with tubing as I scraped them off. Hours later I came home and there was particles on the sand. Not thinking (clearly) I started cleaning up the sand bed and the pieces, spores went into their open tentacles. All my night feeding LPS died, it was a major loss to say the least.

Feeding fish food pellets to any coral isn't the best option!