Thinking about it


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thinking about getting out a while...
love the hobby, but other things are just more important to me right now.

Why not just maintain and just back off a little?

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Why not just downsize? To like a 20 gallon with 20gallon sump?
SnowManSnow;954923 wrote: thinking about getting out a while...
love the hobby, but other things are just more important to me right now.


You can't do that.I didn't get my frag pack yet.
I've had the same thoughts in the past. I just put the tank on auto pilot and did the maintenance. Really it was a great time. Just enjoyed it instead of worrying about the next step or the next coral.
Me too. It's not that I don't have time for my tank, it's that I don't make</em> time for my tank.

Just imagining trying to maintain a tank with my current schedule plus going back to school is discouraging, but I value my future over my tank.

I don't think I'd sell the 60 cube and stand that was built for me by Allen.

and I have some livestock that is sentimental, both my snowflake clowns (one of which was a birthday present to myself when I first got in the hobby) and a large derasa clam that Dylan gave me before he got out.

The truth is that to even simplify the process just to keep those I'd have to spend even more money, when I should really be focusing on a new/better car and avoiding debt when I start school.

I probably won't get out, I just won't be buying livestock. But I've given it some thought, and I'm not sure what I'll end up doing
I sat on my decision for a couple of months before running it by the wife to be sure a) I wasn't making a hasty decision and b) she agreed with the decision. Running an SPS tank is a challenge. I downsized to 30g and all softies and it's been MUCH more fun -- and has given me time for other things.
its isn't the challenge or the cost really, and I've been maintaining for about a year now.. things still grow like nuts. I'm sure I COULD kill stuff, but overall SPS has been no issue at all... even doing the bare minimum.

leveldrummer;955004 wrote: Sell your prize corals to someone who you can trust to give you frags back when your ready to get your feet wet again. (I wish I knew where some of my favorite corals were from before my break)

Yea don't count on that. I essentially gave all mine away and have yet to hear from that member.

What goes around comes around...
If you do decide to take a break, I would sit on the equipment for a while or keep it all. Nothing like selling your stuff for fifty cents on the dollar, only to have the addiction flare up a year later. That is why when I change hardware around I always keep the old equipment for a couple months afterward to make sure I don't want/need it any more.
I have told my friend that I have selected the people who I would like to get corals from, your tank was first on the list of 2 or 3.
You know how to success with your challenges and I know you will success with anything behind this toughs man

Status: quo
I'm having the same thought. I have a 45 gallon corner tank running that I planned on moving into a beautiful 4', 75 gallon. The 75 gallon has been cycling for 5 months...
I keep thinking do I move into it? Do I want a tank? URG!
Well if you are getting out let me know before you do I will have to make the trip to see the tank in person if I had your success I would never get out