This community!

8 months into my reefing journey and I feel exactly the same. 2/3 of my gear has come from members. They’ve helped me diagnose a few different illnesses/parasites, provided recommendations on starter corals, and helped me learn a lot of Do’s & Dont’s along the way!

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8 months into my reefing journey and I feel exactly the same. 2/3 of my gear has come from members. They’ve helped me diagnose a few different illnesses/parasites, provided recommendations on starter corals, and helped me learn a lot of Do’s & Dont’s along the way!

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I know! I’ve already sold some leftover live rock and bought 7 anemones and a ton of coral in one week 😂 my tank has never looked better
Welcome!! I am always looking at the board for new information to see what other members are selling etc.
Yay!!! To supporting member!!!! Lol if you ever want to take a hike all the way to Grayson, GA. I’ll hook you up with some stuff. Haha I’m doing my roundings of the ARC Forums.

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