I finally decided to support the club! This past week has been so much fun. You guys are all so nice to each other and it really feels like everyone is just here to make sure we all succeed as reefers. Who wouldn’t want to support that?
8 months into my reefing journey and I feel exactly the same. 2/3 of my gear has come from members. They’ve helped me diagnose a few different illnesses/parasites, provided recommendations on starter corals, and helped me learn a lot of Do’s & Dont’s along the way!
8 months into my reefing journey and I feel exactly the same. 2/3 of my gear has come from members. They’ve helped me diagnose a few different illnesses/parasites, provided recommendations on starter corals, and helped me learn a lot of Do’s & Dont’s along the way!
Yay!!! To supporting member!!!! Lol if you ever want to take a hike all the way to Grayson, GA. I’ll hook you up with some stuff. Haha I’m doing my roundings of the ARC Forums.