this makes me upset


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so i was on reef central and ran into this thread this really gets under my skin
<span style="color: black;">Sometimes you'll find people submitting threads like that to wind others up and other times you have escapees from the insane asylum.</span>
<span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"> </span></span>
We've all done silly things without researching at some point in the hobby. At least he's on the forums now and getting good advice. I clicked on the link expecting to read some kind of flame war, but I was actually pleasantly surprised to see a newbie making his first big mistake and getting friendly advice from others who could have been a lot more rude... either he'll get discouraged or he's learned to do his homework and has embarked on the same long journey that has brought the rest of us here. Just my initial reactions.
hey for real, you shouldn't get yourself all worked up over trolls on these msgboards trying to get everyone all bent out of shape.....

i mean really i've set up tanks, not cycled them and dumped coral and fish all up in them on day 1 and nothing like that happened....
hey thats nothing. this has been a hot topic on for the past 4 days.

Wow- I'm speechless. The really sad thing is that if you've got the means to buy the fish in that video, you at least somewhat know what you doing. What a shame.
Thekid55;39587 wrote: hey thats nothing. this has been a hot topic on for the past 4 days."></a>[/QUOTE]

<span style="font-size: 15px;">:fish: :fish: :fish:omg! :fish::fish::fish::fish::fish::fish::fish:</span>
i know its truly amazing how bad this guy is killing these fish. its just makes you wanna puke!!!! then go kick his ***
hey, for real, that video isn't serious.... think about it. that guy's got like 1000s of dollars of fish in like a 30gallon tank..... get real...
The dude does not even know how to spell. If it is not a hoax he needs to go back to grade school!