This SPS look ok?


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Just wondering what the consensus is on this frag I got alittle while ago. I have no experience dealing with SPS disease, so it's hard for me to spot it and determine a problem. These pics are w/o any light, except sunlight spilling into the living room. The putty is Aquamend, used in conjunction with super glue gel.

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youve got that fancy camera now... can you get a better macro shot?
hard to tell but does it have lil round bite marks on the flesh?
From what I see in your pics, it looks alright to me; the frag is rather light in color, but that may be caused by a few factors (too much/not enough light, an irritant, or that may be its natural color). What kind of lighting are you running, and where is it placed in the tank?
Your going to need to provide a closer picture or discribe the problem. To me looking at the pictures, it looks fine to me.

What kind of light do you have on the tank?
tsciarini wrote: youve got that fancy camera now... can you get a better macro shot?

Oh snap! As JT would say... what goes around... comes around. :shout:
Don't be an *** Wei.

I have 2 x 250w MH's 14k and it is placed alittle bit higher than 1/2 up the tank.

I will try to get better pics now. I didn't know I needed macro pics, sorry about that.

Give me a sec.
wow Wei, thats twice you have had the pretty lil *** symbols for you.
Is this good enough? I don't have much time, but I can get closer if need be.

Work is stupid!
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one thing you need to worry about with SPS is AEWF (acropora eating flat worms) These are practically invisible when they are on the corals, they eat the flesh and leave lil round bite marks. I dont think you have them, but if you see round white spots show up on your coral, youre going to need to treat for them. Here is a pic with a staghorn with an aewf problem.
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note the circular bite marks. If you dont see that on your coral then dont worry about it, but just letting you know.
It may also be that this frag was cut from the mother colony where part was getting strong light (up) and part wasn't (down). That second pic looks a bit suspicious, but the tips look good and healthy, so maybe its just wierd coloration.
Thanks everyone for your info and help. Glad everything looks alright. I was just kinda worried about the bare spots below the tips. Not sure if something was working it's way down the branches.

Glxtrix, if you would have shown me that pic and asked if anything was wrong, I would have said "not a thing". Even after you telling me that it was infected by AEFW, I still can't tell a difference. Not good.

Hopefully, with more time and experience I will be able to see these things. Actually, I hope I never see these things, but if I do, I at least, hope to be able to identify it.

Thanks again all.
not saying it is, just letting you know that you need to be very cautious about that with SPS. And really you'll be able to see these bite marks with your eyes and will totally know something is up. Hope everything works out nice for ya.
The browning looks sort of wierd to me. I don't see any AEFW. They tend to be redish in color. The tips look good. Nice color nice frag. Lighting is a good choice.

My only other suggestion is to post over in the SPS forum in RC.
you wont see the AEWF's on the corals, they are for the most part transparent and blend in with the color of the coral, you might be thinking of red bugs which is a totally different beast. Here is a link to melevsreef that talks about them.

My bad, I have only had red bugs, but it did not last.

I would still post over at RC to confirm our thought here.

Still like that lavender color.
That still like like a great looking frag to me.

The white tip are growth and all polly are open also