My only piece of advice is read, read, read, read, read. There is a wealth of information on this site and many other forums. I left this hobby 15 years ago and it changed so incredibly much I spent three months catching back up on all the changes. I still have no idea what the heck I'm doing, because everything I learned before doesn't necessarily apply with the new knowledge. That being said...
What you will learn is that there are many, many successful ways of maintaining a reef aquarium. Lots of unconventional ideas out there, and some folks still have no idea if/why certain things really work - that's a great thing and shows that the hobby is progressing positively. Where it gets confusing is when something is going wrong, and no one has an idea why. Which brings us to this point that
@ichthyoid brings up:
There are pieces of that expense that make things easier for you (Auto Top Off, Temperature Controls) and there are others that *should* make things easier, but from all the posts I see, end up being a hassle for many folks (reactors, dosers, monitors, etc). Nothing would frustrate me more than to have the latest and greatest of things and the tank is still crashing even though I have ALLLLL the datas and ALLLLL the toys
My recommendation is design your system out, and get the necessary components. IMHO the non-negotiables living in Georgia:
- Sump
- Oversized Skimmer
- Auto Top Off system
- Temperature Controller
As all the others have said above, this forum and community are amazing and a critical component of my early success restarting this tank in August. Ask away.