Thoughts/Suggestions on "Completed" Cycle


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Hello! I was hoping to get this group's thoughts or suggestions on a cycle that isn't "stuck", per se, but also isn't "complete"—by definition (nitrites not 0). There's just a bit of conflicting information in every other thread I read, so I'm trying to dig myself out of a bit of self-confusion. Haha.


Following Dr. Tim's Presscription:​

09/19: Started fishless cycle with 10 lbs CaribSea live sand, 10 lbs CaribSea "LiFerock", and Dr. Tim's One & Only + Ammonium Chloride​
09/19 - 09/27: Followed the prescription exactly, adding ammonium chloride and testing on the days instructed; ammonia and nitrites peaked at about 2.0 each on day 4​
09/27 (day 9): Ammonia test ~ 0.25, but Nitrates were still > 1.0, so I didn't add fish as Dr. Tim's chart "suggests"​
* all tests done using API Saltwater Master

From there, I've continued to test daily, with roughly the same results. On two or three different occasions, I've added enough ammonium chloride to be noticeably above 0.25, even as high as ~ 1.5; each time, the following test done 24 hours later resulted in ~ 0.25 for ammonia and ~ 2.0 for nitrites on the API colors. So, ammonia seems to be processing consistently, but there's no noticeable movement, up or down, in nitrites. I started testing nitrates after day 9, and they've been somewhere between 10-20 ppm consistently.

Based on this thread on reef2reef, my cycle is complete, and "The presence of nitrite cannot harm your inverts, your early corals or your fish or your cycle...", so I did a 50% water change last night. Tested again this morning, which came to 0-0.25 ammonia, and closer to 1.0 nitrites, ~ 10 nitrates.

So my questions are
  1. What are this group's thoughts on the r2r thread and my results above?
  2. Am I ok to add initial livestock (thinking of an O. Clownfish and a shrimp to start the cuc and help as I settle into a feeding routine)?
  3. Or, should I just continue to wait it out for the nitrites to come down?
Thank you!
In order for your cycle to be complete, ammonia should be at zero and nitrate should also be at zero. Be patient and wait it out it will pay dividends. Rushing this part of setting up a tank can only lead to bad results.
If you wanted to you could add some other bacteria like Seed to help your bacteria population and lower those numbers. You could also add a small amount of pods once your ammonia is zero. You might also try another test kit if you think you are getting wonky results from the API test. Or bring a sample to your lfs for testing.
I have found that adding multiple different bacteria products delays the cycle. The different strains compete till one becomes predominant. The CaribSea stuff should be used with nothing else and the Dr T's has slightly different strains. I learned this all the hard way myself. Right now you have to wait it out and get to zero for both Ammonia & Nitrite.

Adding a little phosphate can help because the system is probably devoid of it. You should be able to find a small 250ml bottle of SeaChem Flourish Phosphorus locally for under $10. The smaller 100ml size they offer can hard to find. Dose once at half the recommended rate and it will give the bacteria some more fuel to multiply.
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Thanks, everyone! All makes total sense. I’m in no rush. I can still enjoy my fw tank. This will also give me more time to “window shop” for my which tank I want to upgrade to when I’m ready for something larger. Thanks again!