Tiny swimming bugs


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I have tiny little bugs swimming in my refugium, I was wondering if anyone could help me identify these. There is no way I could get a picture, as they are that small. They only hover above the sand. They are brownish orange in color, I have had two fish die and all my tests are coming out fine so I am trying to see if this could be why.
kelloggreef;139576 wrote: I have tiny little bugs swimming in my refugium, I was wondering if anyone could help me identify these. There is no way I could get a picture, as they are that small. They only hover above the sand. They are brownish orange in color, I have had two fish die and all my tests are coming out fine so I am trying to see if this could be why.

More than likely they are just copepods, amphipods, or mysids. All of which are good. What do they looks like? The above listed look like (in corresponding order)- tiny specks, little curled up pill bugs, and tiny little shrimp.
They are so small that is hard to tell. I do not see them in the tank, only in the refugium. They are mainly in the corners right above the sand. They may be copepods because they are tiny specks.
If you have fish in your tank, you will be hard pressed to find them. You can try to check a little after lights out to see if their on the glass, but if you have them in the fuge, then they are in your tank too. There is a lot of magnified photos of them floating around, but if the best way you can describe them is tiny white specks that move around, they are most likely copepods.