tips and things


New Member
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Suwanee, GA
hi everyone! i'm a new member here and to the whole saltwater thing. i have a basic 7 gallon tank w/ 2 blue damsels right now. i'm open to any tips to help keep it going or just advice in general! on a side note, does anyone have any snails/shrimp, anything to reduce the algae produce in the tank, that are willing to give away?
As for tips; 7 gallon is very small. This limits your livestock options (2 damsels is probably already maxing out your fish), and will provide a challenge with keeping the water parameters stable... which is a challenge if you want corals. Stability is key in this hobby.

Anyways... don’t be discouraged if it seems difficult. By choosing a Nano tank, you’re attempting something challenging as your first tank. Bigger tanks are easier in many respects. It’ll be a learning process, but be patient and you will learn and grow!

Also, invest in a Refractometer (not a hydrometer) and a cheap glass thermometer. Those two tools will help keep your salinity and temperature in line. And they will be your best friends.
When you do get a bigger tank. I have some Ginormous Mexican Turbo Snail And when I say ginormous, I mean ginormous. That I’d give you. Oh , for tips. I’m new to reefing, but I’ve had saltwater before. I used to grab crush coral from well established tanks to speed up the cycling. And I would feed very little since your tank is so small. The fishies actual stomach is about this big/small. And they could survive without eating for days haha