To Angel or not to Angel... THAT is the question


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Okay, so in general, I've always steered clear of the Pom. Angels. I know that they arent reef safe and have always thought that was a HUGE bummer.

Well, I saw a few Emperor angels over the weekend and a local LFS and they reminded me how much I wanted one when I first started. I did some researching and it seems that they arent as bad as once thought?

I found this article online that discusses the large angels:"></a>

In addition, I've spoken with a few highly regarded individuals about this possibility and while everyone agrees that angels are not 100% reef safe, all gave the green light.

My tank is primarily SPS, which is to my benefit in this setting, but does have some soft corals. The only ones I care about are my sun coral, my xmas favia and my paly garden. The paly garden could go and I wouldnt cry, but its sorta cool... esp now that my midas blenny uses it as his sleeping spot.

Anyone on here trying this experiment? I've done the dwarf angels and struck out with those... but those were in muuuuch smaller tanks than my 180.
Jeremy has many large angels in his reef. I would love to eventually have a blue-face angel when I get my 300 established.

I say go for it. You know going in that it may not work out but if it does then you will have that angel you always wanted. :)
Check out angels in the genus Genicanthus. All reef-safe, some are very beautiful.

My personal faves are Genicanthus bellus - the males and females are distinctly different, and you can keep a pair.

REALLY??? REEF SAFE...YES! :headbang:
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JennM;647915 wrote: Check out angels in the genus Genicanthus. All reef-safe, some are very beautiful.

My personal faves are Genicanthus bellus - the males and females are distinctly different, and you can keep a pair.


Yeah... I've considered the swallowtail, the bellus and the wantanabe (sp?), but none really appeal to me. Its the coloring that I like so much from the Emperor that has always struck me.
Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder, but one of the sweetest things I've ever seen is a pair of Bellus angels cruising around a reef tank.

The Pomacanthus angels are NICE - very intelligent, loads of personality, but, IMO, not for coral tanks, for the most part. There are exceptions - ones who "behave" but not worth the risk of losing corals, IMO.

Hey Crew... I have an Emperor Angel currently in quarantine due to an Ich outbreak. I have added some corals to the display tank in his absence and hope to add more. He will be in quarantine for another month but when I reintroduce him to the tank... I will let you know how he does with the corals I have added. I am hoping he does well... I don't want to have to sell him.
i say go...but be prepared to alter your coral selection per his/her likings...
ugh... good thing I wasnt planning on doing this tomorrow!

I might be tapped out on adding fish for the time being, but I'm definitely considering an Emperor. The change from juvi to adult on those guys is SO cool. I could live without some of my softies... (or maybe just put em in a work tank :) )