To drill or not to drill???


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I'm on the fence. 36g corner bowfront is the tank in question.
My plan is to:
Drill it, make an overflow, plumbing, etc..
Make it an AIO.
I know all the benefits of running a sump and they're all being taken into consideration. However, I also like the idea if not having a potential catastrophic failure leaving a bunch of water on my floor.
I'm kicking around a few ideas about how to make a false wall(s) for an aio but I'm not crazy about any of them. I also don't want to lose too much room in the display to filtration.
Anyone ever done this?
This will all be DIY also, so... Considerations??
Hmmm... Id personally never drill with a running tank. Since its only 36 g , though, what about just replacing it w a RR tank?

I'd always go for the sump given the choice. If you have a proper overflow you shouldn't have catastrophic failure flooding. If the bulkhead leaks, just make sure you keep the sump under it, or make sure the low point on the plumbing is over the sump and it'll drip in there. Plus, sumps make good places for culturing live rock, and tossing bad hermit crabs that you find.
Thanks for the opinions. I guess I'll be drilling this one. Hopefully that goes well. Anyone think I should reinforce the piece I'll drill with another piece of glass? It's 1/4".
If so how to I go about it? Cut and drill another piece the size of the side and laminate them? Or will a small piece placed strategically suffice?
Ditching this tank for another is out of the question since I got this one so cheap. The wife prolly won't go for it. Plus I like DIY stuff.
Thanks again.
I would go with the sump as well. I have 46 gal bow front and its drilled. I have 2 holes for the drain and 1 for the return. could not be happier. To bad I am going to have to sell it soon.
We just recently drilled our 125g. and reinforced the glass with painters tape. It did well for us and held down the chips. The only hole we had chips on was the one where the drill guide was not perfectly level/flat. Good luck, I don't think I breathed until it was done.