to purcahse a CA reactor or not?


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<span style="color: black;"><span style="font-family: Verdana;">Come the first of the year I have planned on getting a CA reactor (the next one up from the nano from Sea) but ATM I’m not really adding anything other than weekly WC. I’m using salinity and I can tell a big difference. I had used it before but tried some other stuff and when I went back everything got brighter and opened up more (or same as before). After I have dosed say 3 or 4 times to raise the iodide (see I remembered) it has leveled off and is staying up with wc. </span></span>

<span style="color: black;"><span style="font-family: Verdana;">I only have a few sps and a couple of lps mostly softies and buttons. I really don’t like the “sticks” that does not have any noticeable movement that can be seen from a distance</span></span>
<span style="color: black;"><span style="font-family: Verdana;">Mag is holding 1375ish and ca around 400 to 425 but this weekend it was around 375 so I did have to add some and will retest this afternoon. . I added a flower pot a couple of weeks ago. So maybe its (the tank) is starting to use ca. Alk stays right at 4 to 4.5meg. I do have to buffer the wc water. I don’t buffer the ato water. My NA stays around 5 to 7 and phos don’t remember the number but really low. My grape algae has all but stopped growing and there for awhile I was having to trim it weekly. </span></span>

<span style="color: black;"><span style="font-family: Verdana;">I can’t get the ph up to save my life but I quit worrying about that months ago. I hold right at 8.0 to 8.1. </span></span>

<span style="color: black;"><span style="font-family: Verdana;">So in short after I got the three main things up to par (mag, alk, ca) about 2 months ago I really have not had to add anything until this week. I will recheck tonight but I guess I’m trying to figure out if I really need one or should I spend that money on something else that is needed more for the tank. </span></span>

<span style="color: black;"><span style="font-family: Verdana;">I have been told that my water is too clean and that I needed to “dirty” it up some. so about 2 weeks ago I started adding Phyto 2 x a week just to add something to the water colum. I only pull about ½” of dark thick stinking skim mate out of the water with the RO NWB150. and it has increased to maybe 5/8" after adding the phyto seams like i'm wasting it but i would assume something is using it or hope they are. has anyone used DT's phyto? i meet someone the other day and he said he knew the owner personnaly. Its on a 120 dt and in a 75g sump about half full. I only do 15g a week wc. I normally mix the salt in the water a min of 6 hrs and sometimes it has been 1 -1/2 days. </span></span>
Depends how much calc/alk your system uses.

I have a 3 part dosing system and a calcium reactor. When my tank was setup I was going through a good 1.5 cups of alk powder a week, figured it was time to invest in a calc reactor.

Now I plan to use the calc reactor for the bulk and use the 3 part dosing for fine tuning.
Meh...if you're not sick of dosing, then don't get it...esp seeing how it doesnt seem like you have a huge demand for one. I use to run a large mrc one and it was amazing...then agian, I had more SPS and clams than one could count. Seeing how you're slightly concerned about pH, adding a ca reactor will slightly lower it as well. There are ways around that and to help boost it (2nd ca chamber) is a huge part. I wouldn't be too concerned with hunting down the perfect pH though, many people have crashed their tanks doing that. If things seem happy, why mess with it. So, back to the reactor....they are pricey to start up, but will pay off bug time if you have a large ca/alk demand...they really should be called alk reactors, lol. Anyways, if you find yourself dosing more and more, then it'd be time to think about it.
i did have clams and before the sticks died i was using alot and could never get it to level out correctliy. i blame most on the test kits i was using. but now i'm using all seacheam.
and i really dont want to use IO and then have to dose. the salinty has all the stuff in it already and it's so much easier. it alreay LQQKs like mad lab sometimes
&lt;-- needs a ca reactor because i hate dosing...

SOOOO.. i'll have a nice stirrer for sale if you're interested.

For the price of a calcium reactor setup you could also have a very nice automated dosing setup, which would do the same thing as a calcium reactor. Just another option.
Acroholic;819291 wrote: For the price of a calcium reactor setup you could also have a very nice automated dosing setup, which would do the same thing as a calcium reactor. Just another option.

agreed... and they generally take up less room.

have u seen the one from vertex?
its pretty sexy
SnowManSnow;819323 wrote: agreed... and they generally take up less room.

have u seen the one from vertex?
its pretty sexy
Yup....seen them. But Customer Service from Proline Aquatics (NA Vertex Rep) is really terrible. So hope you never have anything break if you buy it.

post #2 here:

Acroholic;819291 wrote: For the price of a calcium reactor setup you could also have a very nice automated dosing setup, which would do the same thing as a calcium reactor. Just another option.

+1 I have 2 1.1 ML/minute dosing pumps from BRS for my CAL and ALK. Each is hooked up to a digital timer which can be programmed to come on for a specific period of time up to 6x per day. Has worked well for me. I dose MAG by hand when I need to but you could buy a third pump and dose MAG that way if needed.