To Skim or not to Skim


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I have a AquaMedics 1000 Multi-Turbo Floater Skimmer attached to my refugium under my 140G Reef Tank.

The Skimmer has been running "OK" since I purchased it 3 months ago. OK meaning that even at the lowest intake settings, the skimmer cup (while nasty brown) is watery.

Today I did a water change. My dKH levels have been high since day 1. (dKH = 17.5). Today, I added a little water conditioner in an effort to bring down the hardness. I also used a Pillow Softner for 48 hours prior to the water change. All toll, the dKH is currently at 16.5 - WoW!!

Back to the skimmer. I added the water conditioner, I did the water change, turned on the skimmer (lowest intake settings - basically zero) and now all I am getting is White foam to & over the top of skimmer cup funnel. Everything coming out of the skimmer is white foamy water. The skimmer is filling the cup within 5 minutes. WHY?????

Water looks better then ever -

pH 8.4
Salinity 1.025
dKH 16.5
Ca 520
Nitrite < .03
Nitrate 12.5
NH4 0
Mag 1100 (usually around 1300 - forgot a dosing session)
Phosphate 0

Why is the skimmer not skimming properly??????????
Its because the conditoner acts like grease or oil. Makes the pump go crazy. I would turn it off for a day and then try again.
I am currently having the same problem I did a 50% water change and still going crazy. Hate to say it but I think the skimmer may need to come out and be cleaned to get rid of any oily film.

If mine doesnt clear up by this weekend out of the sump it comes.

Oh this so reminded me of throwing laundry soap in a fountain. The top to my skimmer was floating above the skimmer on a cloud of foam.
Wow, was signing on to post a question about my water conditioner accident, slash foamy skimmer, and saw this thread..

I made a stupid mistake 3 or 4 days ago and poured WAY too much waterconditioner in my tank,

I've tried turning it off for a day (actually longer)

I've done two 25% water changes.

Tonight, I'm doing the truely desparate act of emptying the skimmer cup every 11 minutes and replacing the foamy water leaving the skimmer, with fresh make up water at the proper salinity. Basically, I'm doing a slow water change, using the skimmer as a syphon.

We'll see if tomorrow brings any change.

Remember that any top off water you add when your skimmer is running wet needs to be clean saltwater...
OK, my insane desperate plan seems like its working.

As I'm now emptying the cup every 20 minutes (up from 11 minutes just two hours ago), I'm calling my method a moderate success.

I'm just sitting near my tank and emptying the cup into a 5 gallon bucket which is now half full of water with a slight foam on top. I'm adding clean make up water as needed....... Hopefully these mico bubbles will subside soon
just get a new thooth brush clean the skimmer really nicely. that helps skimmers sometimes but rarely but its worth a try.
And a huge toothbrush it would be! My Aqua C Remora is 18 inches high! I dont think its the skimmer, I think its the crap in the water. Letting it run and bubble all that stuff out of the water is helping, but I might have to turn it off over night and continue this project tomorrow....
or a toilet cleaner would work also. why dont u just try not to empty it and let it run and overflow but dont clean it maybe it will clean itself.
if it overflows it will actually overflow foam (no water) over the side and I'll get salt creep everywhere...... I might try a toilet brush next time I clean it, that could work.

I'm so over this tank right now, I'm thinking Quickcrete would make a could additive.......
why dont u put it in hot water with vinegar than may help the skimmer. that is if the problem is in the skimmer. i think the conditioner added oils onto the skimmer and making it go through a break in period again.
If it doesn't cease this hyper-skim its doing then I might try that tomorrow as I dont have enough vineger right now, will have to buy some. But I really think the crap is in the water and just needs to cycle out.

Thanks for the advice though, It is valid reasoning.....
i just got my won brothers cu75 that is going throught the break in period but i did the vinegar thing and it helped. srry that was kinda off topic just letting u know i am going through the same thing. hope it works out for u.
I hjave heard that when you use certain water conditioners its best not to run your skimmer for a couple of days until it filters through your system really thoroughly....
Dakota9, we took your advice and it seems to be helping. It is a slow progress, but at least it is progress in the right direction. Thankfully we didn't added alot of conditioner to the tank.