Too much light?


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I have 2X 400W 14k PFO Metal Halides over my 90G, along with 192W of Act.
What do you think of the light schedule:

Actinics 10:30
Left side MHI 11:00
Right side HMI 2:00PM
Left side OFF 3:00PM
Right side OFF 6:00PM
Actinics OFF 6:30PM

4 hours each side, and 1 hour both side on.
Too much or need longer light period?

I keep SPS with a few softy and few clams.
Most clams need light and lots of it. You have plenty of power no doubt, but keep in mind that most tropical region species are subjected to 12 hours of daylight regularly. I can't say how long is too long or too short however and will leave that for someone who knows far more than I.
Four hours of halides probably isn't enough, but depends on your specific lighting needs. Generally speaking, I wouldn't recommend much less than 8 hrs of halides. Yes, there are some exceptions. Besides, you got the tank to be able to look at it - turn those lights on!
I use the gerenal light schedule of 8hr halide with 1.5hr antitcs befor and after. The whole day cycle of lighting you have going on is nice, but longer halide running wouldnt hurt. Then again if your corals looks happy to how youre lighting them, why change?? Dont fix what isnt broke :)
there are many members on here who have large tanks and just use regular desk fans blowing on their sump, or even computer fans put in thier canopys to deal with heat.
If you're afraid of heat, maybe you could go down to 250 watt halides. In the least, set up a fan for evaporative cooling.
hng wrote: If you're afraid of heat, maybe you could go down to 250 watt halides. In the least, set up a fan for evaporative cooling.

I've got 2 250 hqi's and Im thinking about putting some 400's over another tank if you want to trade.
FishyBusiness wrote: I've got 2 250 hqi's and Im thinking about putting some 400's over another tank if you want to trade.

BAH! Beat me to it again!