Top Fin aquariums?


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Does anyone know who actually makes Top Fin aquariums (the ones PetSmart sells)?

I was in there yesterday for a pair of Mollies and saw a 36 gallon corner that had 1/4" glass for the sides which looked like it could be drilled. I went looking on the web for info, but couldn't find any manufacturing information. I'd never seen a small corner like that and was very interested because it gave a feeling of a HUGE aquarium for less than $200.
i beleive perfecto makes them. Im not a 100% sure though. If perfecto does make them, then there is no need to worry. Perfecto has come a long way in quality and craftsmenship ever since marineland took them over. Hope this helps
Turns out that All-Glass makes a 36 corner as well (34x24x21) in their Geneva series. It's not listed with their regular corner tanks. Not sure if it's the same as the Top Fin tank, but at least I know it's All Glass.
yeah i think perfecto makes it........ but i have one from petsmart a 20 gallon and its a great tank i mean i have had it for 4 or 5 years now and not a problem. although it isnt set up anymore.
Maroons15 wrote: i believe petsmat makes em

Maroons15 wrote: yeah i think perfecto makes it........

Which way are you leaning on this?"></a>

Petsmart "owns it" not necessarily manufactures it.
I'll leave it up to you to do a little deeper digging.
Im not 100% sure on this, but im pretty darn sure its correct (correct me if im wrong) i believe perfecto makes the actual "top fin" aquariums and petsmart only distributes them under their own "top fin" brand. Perfecto is actually owned by marineland. Basically "top fin" is like the generic version of a perfecto. Sort of like how there are generics of medicines out there, generics are cheaper but work just as well. Again im not 100% sure so if someone sees something wrong with any info i just posted please correct me if im wrong. hope this helps.
I know their tanks are put together really well, but their heaters arent so wonderful.
ok im leaning towards the perfecto making them and petsmart just made a new name for em and is distributing them.