Total fish loss. Question


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While I was at a meeting to day my wife texted me in a panic my small cube all fish suddenly died. Corals, shrimp and snails are all fine.

While trying to find out what caused it when I got home I tested the water ammonia was high but I figured that would be up since three fish just. Died in the tank. Went looking for other posibilities and the only thing I could find different is that I couldn't locate my yellow cucumber. I know some species will nuke a tank but I would have expected it to kill everything. Did water change and things look better.

Has anyone had a cucumber just kill fish?

Thanks for help
if you don't see any signs of injury to the dead fishes, make sure you don't have stray electricity in the water, next would be water quality.
if any fish have signs of injury then I would be on the lookout for a bad hitchhiker.
electricity doesn't stray, if you touch the water and you get a shock, you have a piece of euipment that has a short.

Did you QT fish? how long and how?
How long have you had them?
last fish in? how long? QT?
O2 is HUGE! do you have water movement especially breaking the surface
? Water changes? feeding? what are your parems?
Any possibility of contamination? Pesticides, cleaners sprays, lotions, perfumes being introduced to the tank through the air or hands. Even puffs plus with lotion could be a problem.
No shock when touching the water

All fish have been same in the tank for the last year no new additions. Stocking list below

2 clown fish.
Bi color blenny

Spiny urchant
Leather coral
Frog spawn coral
Green plate coral
Green mushrooms

All in tank for last year

All water peramiters were checked on Wednesday and were all good

Ammonia 0
Nitrate 0
Nitrates .05

5 gallon water changes every two weeks on 29 gallon tank consistently. Tank has been on a apex since set up. All temps consistant between 77 and 78 degrees. Ph consistant held between 8 and 8.2

Feed Larys reef Fenze. Nightly all fish were happy and eating night before when I went to bed

No pesticides used in house. Have two tanks 10' away from each other and the other tank is spot on as normal. All occupants good
Sounds to me like something zapped all the O2 from the tank. I had this happen once when I dosed Vitamin C. Vitamin C bonds with the oxygen molecules and basically the fish suffocate. Did you dose anything like this?
Ammonia wouldn't occur immediately after fish died. They'd have to have started decaying.

What's your temperature and specific gravity, and pH?

Volts in the water you might not feel. Amps you would. I'd test the water with a voltage meter, with all equipment running.

What was the last thing you did with the tank before the deaths? Lotions, air fresheners, Windex, furniture polish, bug spray... scented oil plug-ins... I've seen all of them wipe a tank out just like that - and sometimes some of the corals and hardier inverts survive but the fish go down fast.
