Training perculas to host BTAs


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With the recent discussion on Onyx perculas, I decided to look them up to get more info and found this video:"></a>

The guy also has them hosting in an RBTA, and he describes how he got them to host:


Percula's don't normally host bubble tip anemone's,But Maroon clowns do.I bought a small,tank-raised Maroon and put him in with my Perc's and the bubble-tip.He hosted,and when the Perc's saw this,they wanted in also.The Maroon won't allow this,so I moved the Maroon to my 30g(eaiser said than done)and the rest is history.


I think it's pretty cool, although stressful for the maroon. I wonder if a plastic clown would work as well, since I have heard of people using pictures of clowns hosting BTAs as well to train their perculas to host.

I wonder if the fish growing facilities could start getting plastic BTAs to train their clowns to host in?

I was also wondering what other tricks people have used to get their non-native BTA hosting clowns to host their BTAs.
I tried the whole pic thing...they just hosted in a toadstool....I guess the sting was less. I just kinda left fate to be fate. By B&W clowns recently hosted my nem however, after hosting the corner 4" away.
Try one of those clips that looks like a clown fish. I'll google it when I get home and post a link.

Many have sworn by this method
Take a pair and an anemone in a glass jar and put it in front of your tank and dump it on the floor. They'll get the idea.
Steve;310327 wrote: Take a pair and an anemone in a glass jar and put it in front of your tank and dump it on the floor. They'll get the idea.

I don't get it -- are you making a joke?
Steve;310327 wrote: Take a pair and an anemone in a glass jar and put it in front of your tank and dump it on the floor. They'll get the idea.

Don't drink and post!
So, I just got two percs and am crossing my fingers they'll eventually host. We posted up all sorts of pics. My husband said if it works, we're gonna get some "clown lovin' movies" and play them for them!
Give em time. With the semi aggressive fish you have in there, they will be a little timid and look for a place of refuge. Eventually they will find that nem and fall in love.

The longest one I have witnessed was about a week and a half. Every other only took about 3 days and they figured it out.

I usually just put all the food around the nem when its time to feed.

<u>WOO HOO 1000 Posts!</u>
That's what I was hoping for. They're hanging out up there tonight and just went in yesterday. Maybe they'll be in there in the morning. Especially with the trigger being out and about now.
JessPete;310426 wrote: That's what I was hoping for. They're hanging out up there tonight and just went in yesterday. Maybe they'll be in there in the morning. Especially with the trigger being out and about now.

Maybe. It is torture waiting for them to find it...
Dakota9;310276 wrote: Try one of those clips that looks like a clown fish. I'll google it when I get home and post a link.

Many have sworn by this method

As promised....."></a>

Put this in the tank very close to the anemone, and many have said it prompts clowns to host!

I wouldn't try Steve's idea, but if you do, record it on video....