Transfer live stock to a new tank


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I am in the process of transfer live stock to a new tank. Some of the rock and coral pieces have hair algae on them. I am afraid to “seed “ the new tank with the stuff . Any one have any suggestions?
At a minimum, I would take a 5 gallon bucket filled with tank water and a good stiff brush or toothbrush and scrub the rocks in the bucket. Obviously, you need to be careful with the corals. I did that on some rocks and it worked pretty well, and mostly eliminated the nuisance algaes. Make sure you have a second bucket to rinse the rocks in before you put them back in to the tank as well. It makes a real mess.
Thanks Bob. Also some of the rocks have a weird looking “spaghetti” Algae (chaeto) on them. I read that it is good for a refugium but I don’t think I want it in my show tank but it is impossible to scrape off. Any ideas?