Trident Users - Do you use the automated setting?


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East Cobb
Even the most conservative built-in schedule seems like over-kill to me. I've been manually running them every other day or so and I'm wondering if there is a way to setup your own
automated schedule.
I use the lowest setting- which I believe is 4 tests. Then, you have to buy reagents every 3 months or buy a few packs and change every 3 months except for reagent A which gets changed twice in that period. If you do not run the Trident regularly it can get jammed or clogged. And clogs are a pain to fix and flush out. It is designed to run at least at a minimum number of tests for best performance. Then, at about 1.5 years old you will either have to perform a service change out your self of all the insides or you will have to send it back or trade it out with the return program.
I highly suggest getting the add on filter for the sample line. It will help keep the crud out of the sample vial and keep the system cleaner = better data and test values. Otherwise, you will start to get some funky readings around 13-15 months if not sooner depending on the cleanliness of your sump.
You can manually set the times is runs.
I have mine set to run Alk once by itself and 12 hours later run all 3.

You have to make the changes from the PC fusion (wont work on your phone)

go to your Trident config (mine shown below) the bus address on mine is 3

browse to http://your_apex_ip/apex/config/outputs/3_3 (in your case it might be 2_3 depending on the bus address, the second 3 is the "Combined" test output page)
You will see in the configuration side, Neptunes default language for the current config.

Frag Combined test old.JPG

Remove (save for future ref is needed) the original config and replace with what is shown below.
I have mine set to test alk at 06:00. You can add other lines to increase if you like.
Basically you are telling it to turn on at whatever time you want and it runs the test. (this as you know runs all 3 tests)


You make the same changes for the Alk setting by going to bus address 3_4 mine shown below

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