Trigger stuck in overflow... help!


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Okay, so somehow my trigger decided to jump and landed in the overflow. It is a standard all-glass back wall 72bow overflow so there is not much room. It makes it especially difficult when the trigger wedges in behind the durso pipe at the bottom. I have tried using a net to get him but he is too quick. Also I am scared he could bite me. He keeps swimming straight up and jumping.
Do you guys have any tricks to get him out without stressing him any more than he already is? He is breathing really hard and is wedged where I can't really get to him.
My 6 line has done this 2 x. I stick my hand in and just grab him. It is such a confined space that they have no where to run to!
I use a large net that I bend in a V shape and use the point of the V to scoop them up.
If the net does not work take a deep breath and stick your hand in. Both times I barely touched my six line. I put my hand down in the overflow underneath him and raised my hand and he came to the top to avoid my hand and finally spilled back into the tank.
completly cover the overflow so that no light gets to the middle of the night, turn on the tank lights, and if you have a flashlight shine it down into the overflow,,,this will blind him temporarily...he will not be able to see, you can then use your net or hand to catch him.....he will not know what hit him....
Schwaggs, that was pretty genius i must say. I scared him away from the pipes and into a corner, then used the L to trap him in the corner. I have to admit, I still didn't like sticking my hands into a confined place where I was trying to corner a trigger. They are mean little guys.
Slayer has the right idea. That was the only way I could catch a female perc in my tank.
a trigger that would fit into an overflow wouldnt do much damage if you caught him with your hand. worst case scenario, turn off the pumps, siphon out some water, and he'll be easy pickins.
Glad to hear you got him out. I hope all is OK with him/her.