trouble in paradise


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ok so you guys have seen my blonde naso not eating off the veggie clip threads. I came in today truend the lights up and he is no where to be found........literally i dont see him anywhere in the tank.

1 sailfin
2 clowns
3 green chromis
1 mandarin goby
1 firefish

a few simple corals: mushrooms xenia long tentacle leather frogspawn birdsnest

and some snails and hermits.

anyoen know what could have happend to him? I dont see a body or any trace of any part of him anywhere in the tank?
If there is alot of rock in the tank with places to hide...I would start there first. Hope things go well
You checked the overflows, intakes and power heads? A fish weakened by not eating can end up stuck to an intake.

Nothing behind the tank? Do you have any kind of ledge on your stand? I once found a sailfin blenny on the stand ledge that had been there for who knows how long.

When was the last time you saw him? If it was last night at lights-out, I would think the hermies would have to do some power-eating overnight to dispose of the carcas without a trace (unless you have a lot of hermits and it was a very small tang).

Hope you find him. Blondes are cool fish.
i have looked all over...her normally sleeps in the same place and he wasnt there. I saw him yesterday morning and I wasnt home last night so they wouldve had to take care of him in 24 hours?? I do not have a lot of hermits at all...I dont have any overflows or anything like that. I do have a lot of rock work but i dont think he could be anywhere i havent looked. I looked on the ground and everythign ........This is really weird He has been looking skinny but he has been swimming fine and picking at the rock work the sand the sides of the tank......I am lost here
haha!!!!!!!!! HE JUST CAME OUT OF NO WHERE.............and now he is gone again haha i saw him pop up and i am searching the tank again and no sign......he must have a really good new hiding spot
jaydm93teg;207416 wrote: haha!!!!!!!!! HE JUST CAME OUT OF NO WHERE.............and now he is gone again haha i saw him pop up and i am searching the tank again and no sign......he must have a really good new hiding spot

Whew, good news.

I'd just leave it alone. Fish must need some down time.
ok thank you guys for the quick responses....yeah he is camped out under some rocks maybe he doesnt feel good or something
I had a Kole Tang 3.5" long up and disappear. Not in the flow box. No signs of illness and eating. It has been a mystery.

I do suspect two cats I have that consider the aquarium "Cat TV" and jump at the glass on occasion. I now have baby gates to the TV room so I can monitor the cats.

Maybe the Kole jumped out of the tank? I'll never know.
parmoffitt;207440 wrote: I had a Kole Tang 3.5" long up and disappear. Not in the flow box. No signs of illness and eating. It has been a mystery.

I do suspect two cats I have that consider the aquarium "Cat TV" and jump at the glass on occasion. I now have baby gates to the TV room so I can monitor the cats.

Maybe the Kole jumped out of the tank? I'll never know.

I know of a reefer in the ARC who caught his beagle devoring his female B&W perc that had jumped from the tank.

So, yes, it happens.

If it makes you feel better, after a pump mishap, my Naso did not eat for 10 days. I was sure he was a goner.

One day he went crazy on some nori and he's good as new.

Luckily, I keep my fish very fat.
Loren, how do you keep your fish very fat. You must have some fantastic system that allows for fat fish and not doing in your tank.