Tube Anemone Question


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I put a Tube Anemone in my tank a few weeks ago on some live rock. I put it in this spot because of the good water flow and away from anything else. Well it just left its tube. Should I move it and bury it in the sand or let it float around to attache where it wants. Thanks
tube anemone need to be in the sand thats what there tube is made of sand i would say bury the foot.
Should I put it back in its tube and then put it in the sand or just put the foot in the sand? Thanks
in the past i've had that happen and i just buried the foot dont try to force it back in its tube (the less you bother it the better off it will be.) be sure to bury it away from any thing that might get stung
I have 2 of them for over a year now. Just leave them on the sand bed and they'll dig their own foot in. They don't like strong water flow.