Tunze 3155 Malfunction


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Atlanta. Chastain/Sandy Springs
So my ATO isn't working. The fill/empty sensor will beep if it's gets to high (ex: shut off the pump) but it won't fill. sorta. it will begin to fill if I shut off the pump (like when I did to refill manually) and it will start pumping initially when it gets low shortly after but not again after that. wtf?!
Wipe off the point on the optical sensor. It’s happened to me as well.httpswww.google.comsearchsca_esv=1ea8dac205df0227&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C9BKJA_enUS590US591&hl=en-US&...png
Just a clarification question, but is the pump actually adding water initially or just running? I’ve had the impeller go bad I a pump.
Yes, if I unplug it, wait a few minutes and plug it in it will pump but it won't again later when the level drops.
Time to buy a new one lol. They go bad from time to time. Get the new oamolatoe 3.
I also have a couple extras laying around if you want to try some parts testing. I think I have at least 2 complete units.

I’m in Acworth.


and I may take you up on that. I'm in Kennesaw Mon-Thurs in the mornings until 10:45 and I could stop by Tuesday after that if I can't figure this out by then.
They always pump for @ 10 seconds or so when powered on. Normal operation is, if it's too high (float valve is up) then the top red too high light and audible alarm come on and the pump shuts off. If level (water comes to tip of optical sensor) the green level light comes on and pump is off. If water level drops below the optical sensor the too low and pump on lights should light and the pump should come on. The pump does time out if it runs too long, not sure how long. Which light do you have after initially powering on?