Tunze Coral Rock Rack


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Stone Mountain
Hey gang, does anyone have one of the "Tunze Coral Rock Frag Racks"? I really want to get a frag rack for my display that I can put in the back of my tank and have it blend in with the rest of the rock work and this appears to be a pretty good option. Have you used one? Are you currently using it? I put this in the "Product Review" forum but really it's more of a request for a product review. I'm open to suggestions or other brands. I just want a natural looking rack that will hold some frags.
I have two of these on the back of my tank. And one in my fuge currently curing to add :). They are that artificial white rock, so letting them soak helps. I have one used as a wall island for my pest GSP- looks good and easy to keep the GSP where I want it. Used the other for frags like branching montis etc.
I like the more ‘natural’ rock look to fill in the wall space in the back of the tank. Z986BB579-A9F0-478C-8B09-F07A13578611.jpegA99ADE8F-2B65-4C86-895E-8C739686D861.jpeg3FF11C3C-2F78-483A-9282-B51105CECF74.jpeg
I have the Reef Rax brand, labeled as a single plug, but actually has two. Tunze is probably a better product though. It is made of ceramic instead of resin like Reef Rax, and has stronger magnets for up to 1/2" thick glass. I have seen some complaints on the hole size, but I think they were just using the wrong size plugs.
I have the Reef Rax brand, labeled as a single plug, but actually has two. Tunze is probably a better product though. It is made of ceramic instead of resin like Reef Rax, and has stronger magnets for up to 1/2" thick glass. I have seen some complaints on the hole size, but I think they were just using the wrong size plugs.
You can also use a Dremel or a tool to make the Tunze hole bigger or to remove excess ceramic cement like material.