Turbo snail question


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So dont laugh is the question is stupid....I dont know much about snails since they are pretty much forbidden in fresh water. But In my salt tank this morning I awoke to a sound like someone tapping the tank with a coin. I noticed one of my turbos crawling up the side and about every half inch he would stop raise his shell straight up twist around like a rubberband and then quickly snap it against the tank. What was he doing?:eek:
I 'm not sure crowe but mine seem to do that right before they spawn. I actually raised about 500 in my tank. They have since spawned numerous times but I never turned the uv off and none of them makes it.I noticed that they spawned today so I went and turned the uv off
grouper therapy;317062 wrote: I 'm not sure crowe but mine seem to do that right before they spawn.

Just wanted to make sure I didnt have a psyco snail on my hands. Thanks for the info.