Tuxedo urchins?

I purchased a tuxedo two ARC events ago and have been happy. Not destructive with the exception of picking up little zoa frags not glued down. He mostly cruises walls, sometimes the wave makers and rocks. You can drop in objects for him to pick up and carry, like 3D printed hats too!
Bulldozers but otherwise fine algae grazers. Definitely amusing watching them carry various frags snails and hermit crabs all over the tank.
I also purchased a tuxedo urchin at the ARC event a few months ago. He was wearing a fedora hat when I got him. A month later he decided to ditch the hat and snag a piece of green star polyp as his cover. I don't have any moveable frags in my DT so the urchin hasn't bothered or turned over anything. Model citizen.
I really like the little guys. They can be a pain when they pick up, carry around and then drop stuff but it's worth it.
They’re excellent clean up crew. Tuxedos stay small enough that they aren’t total bulldozers but even if they move a few things around, it’s totally worth it for the work they do.
I love my tuxedo urchins. They are some of my favorite reef critters. I love watching them carry stuff around the tank. I try to have at least two in every tank.
I just sold my tuxedo urchin because he was eating the GSP off my back glass... Didn't mess with any other corals though and was an excellent algae eater. Always moving around.