Twin Spot (Clown) Wrasse

linda lee

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Ain't he purty? He could be living (or dying) in my tank right now.

A couple weeks ago, I saw a tank of these fish at a certain LFS, which shall remain nameless, and fell in love with it on the spot (pun intended).

As an impulse buyer from waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, back I wanted that fish IN a bag and IN my cooler and IN my tank immediately, but as an ARC member I'm having this recurring theme drilled into me: "DoTheResearchDoTheResearchDoTheResearch"

So... no fish that day and I looked him up when I got home. Whew, glad I didn't get him!!!

But today... at that same LFS, there was a buyer getting two of these guys . At the counter I said, "wow... you must have a BIG fowlr tank with a DEEP sandbed!" He said he didn't. That the fish were going into his 30 gallon reef tank.

He was told at this LFS:

<span style="color: red;">"These [juvenile] fish will retain their size and coloring. Why? Because they're going into a small tank."</span></em>

He was also told:

<span style="color: red;">"These fish are perfectly reef safe."</em></span>">Here's</a> one of the sites where I got my information about these PrettyInTheirJuvieState fishes.

Okay... I will seek no more advice or answers to questions at the LFS. I'm gonna remain here... in the protective cocoon of the ARC.

Keep me on the right track, ya'll!
or .... is the LFS correct?

I can't find any sites with information to back up what they say.
Gotta love LFSs... they suck!

I want to start up my own on pure good advice and quailty products. But such is life, it would prob go under from being too honest! ;)
What's sad is that the 2 wrasses probably won't be the only casualties of today's sale.

I read: "Twin Spots are not reef safe. They have teeth that protrude from their mouth and are used to dig out prey from the sand. They also have large molars that crush shrimp, clams, crabs, snails and urchins."</em>

This book comes in handy and will/can save you from the commission earning lfs employees.
theplatypus;63741 wrote: This book comes in handy and will/can save you from the commission earning lfs employees."></a>[/QUOTE]

grrrr... filter blocks it. But I'm going to order it when I get home.

And similarly to the dragon wrasse you asked about a while back, this guy will also turn over every single rock and coral in the tank.

Linda Lee;63733 wrote: I read: "Twin Spots are not reef safe. They have teeth that protrude from their mouth and are used to dig out prey from the sand. They also have large molars that crush shrimp, clams, crabs, snails and urchins."</em>

Yet another beautiful wrasse I cannot have for my collection :(.

Shame on the LFS, there are plenty of wrasse that would do quite well in a tank that size...