two Coral Beauty Angelfish in the same tank?


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I have read that you should not keep two of the same Angelfish in the same tank because they will fight each other. Yet I have seen two of the same anglefish at LFS in small tanks. I have a 90gal would I be able to keep two Beautys? Thanks Rick
I would say no...reason being in a LFS the fish are there temporarily and will soon be out to seperate homes. I think in a short term situation it would be alright but you will have problems in the long run. They are territorial agreesive I wouldnt do it... just me 2cents
I would not try it.. Unless you are dealing with a 400 gal tank...

The reason LFS can place two in a tank is because there is nothing to establish territory in a bare LFS tank. Put a piece of LR in there and see what happens.... Heck, even without LR, give it time, they will off eachother..
If one is large and the other is much smaller, they may be a pair, which will be ok. If you have two of the same size, then you will have problems. ,
The reason they don't kill each other in the LFS is the same as why all the damsels in one small container don't kill each other.

It's not really about having a piece of LR to fight over, its more that they are in such TIGHT compartments there is no room for any of them to establish a territory at all. It's more a shock to their natural senses. Give those same angels a lil bit more room, enough for one of them to have enough privacy to establish "territory" and they will fight. No doubt.

As such... don't do it RICK :).
I have multiple angels in my 215 and they will be next to each other only to eat. One has claimed half the tank and the other the other half. I have a Potters and and a flame. The Potters is bigger and was added last. but like everyone else said it is hit or miss sometimes... :fish: