Two days to make saltwater?


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Questions about "Salinity". I purchased a tube to use for my reef tank that I starting. I was told by members from another reef forum that "Salinity" take two days to make? Is this true?
Thanks for the question. Are you asking if salinity needs to be mixed for 2 days before it can be used? If so, the answer is no. Generally, mixing overnight is recommended in order to allow for a clearer mix, but it is not necessary. If you are using it to set up a new tank rather than for a partial water change, it is probably not a bad idea to wait until the next day so it is clearer, but it is not required.
Thanks for the quick reply. I was also wondering what type of meter would your recommend to measure the salinity of the water? Refractometer or hydrometer?
You are very welcome! You can use either one honestly. However, here at Seachem, we use a temperature compensated refractometer and measure it at 35ppt (this will be a temperature compensated SG (specific gravity) value of 1.026). If you are using a hydrometer, than you will want to refer to the conversion chart on the bucket of Salinity, and just know that there will be an error of ~ (+/-) 3%. Below is the chart:

If the water temperature is: cal.@ 15.56 °C cal.@ 25 °C
degrees C degrees F then target H= then target H=
13 – 15 55 – 59 1.027 1.029
16 – 19 60 – 66 1.026 1.028
20 – 23 67 – 73 1.025 1.027
24 – 27 74 – 81 1.024 1.026
28 – 30 82 – 86 1.023 1.025

I hope this helps and makes sense! :)
Which of the SeaChem substrates is the closest to fiji pink sold by Caribsea in size and shape? I did not get an answer that I posted on your website.
They are not all that comparable, but grain size-wise I would say our Pearl Beach will probably be the closest. However, this will be a pearly color. It is quite nice looking in the tank though.

When did you send us an email and was it to our
a> email or a post on our forum
question was posted on your website. As far a grain it bigger or small in general? I am concerned about it blowing around and also the color as I like the pink tint. Pearl is more of a white color is it not?
The grain size of Pearl Beach is fairly small; not as small as that of our Meridian, but not as large as that of our Kona Coast, for example. You are correct--it is white in color. If you would like to see a picture of it, here is the link to Pearl Beach:"></a>

Hope this helps :-)