Ultimate 75 gallon build


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I am venturing out to find the ultimate setup for mainly sps clam tank with a left corner overflow....Now this being said I already have an 55gal I am getting ready to turn into my sump for this build making it 130 approx gallons...Now I have ventured many ways care free usually just to be able to try many diff ways and products most failed some worked...I am speaking of all T-5s sump is going to be in the basement of my new house so space is not an option. I am really just wanting to know what the very experienced members would do if that is what they had in there possetion (75rr main pump must be atleast 16ft head pressure to make it up to tank, 55gal empty tank no baffles in yet, and some sort of T-5 ultimate light setup) and main focus being sps and clam. also wanted all black sand but i am assuming there is none that has a benefit to ph so that is out of the question but they do have the mixed but it is mostly white. I also don't have a stand or canopy for this 75 so If reading and have one forsell please pm. Also have been looking at the ev-240 as a skimmer but feel free to suggest others.

Thanks Chris
wow that is odd not one single hit or reply...on a pretty open topic...a reef topic on a reef fourm and nothing? this is like the third thread that i have started with very very few replies...am i out of the lingo of things or something?
For t5's i would buy the ATI powermodule. Tek is good but not as good than ATI - Ive heard that Aqua EV skimmer suck. But i have never used one, look at an octopus.
can anyone confirm that or deny that the ev-240 is a poor choice? if so what in stead
I think the problem is your question/s are to</em> open. It is very vague, and there are hundreds of different ways to do what you are talking about, all depending on budget, preference, taste, etc. In one paragraph, you address lighting, substrate, pumps/head pressure, sump, skimmer, and add in a WTB canopy & stand statement.

Some of these choices will have to be made with research, and in accordance with your own taste.
BUT, if you want all T5's, you have 2 ways to go, retro or fixture. Within those categories, as far as fixtures go the Tek and ATI should be great, ATI probably being the more powerful and expensive of the two. In the retro group, you could go with the standard Icecap 660s, overdriving all lamps, or try OD'ing the higher PAR lamps and just doing HO on teh supplementation/actinics. As far as reflectors go, icecaps or aquactinics would be good. Of course there are many ballasts choices, more than I care to begin listing. Also, there are lots of threads on this, including mine, so you could do a search for more info.

On the substrate, I'd just use what I liked. The lack of it's buffering is overcome by many barebottom enthusiasts, so I'm sure you'll be fine. Or, if you really want some white sand, put it all in the sump. THen use the black for the DT.

The skimmer is kinda a preference thing, depends a lot on how you want to set it up, what kind you want, how big, etc. THat will just require research and deciding what you prefer. THere are lots of threads about skimmers on here, so you also could do a search on this to see what people are recommending. There was actually one just recently from WILLIAM1.

But if you want a purely hypothetical ideal situation, In my opinion, if I was in your situation, I'd ditch the 75 for the biggest production tank I could comfortably fit in my space. I'd even prefer it in wall with a fish room as opposed to basement plumbed (I really like Cgill's in wall bowfron concept). I'd then use the 75 as a refugium, and maybe the 55 could be used as a media holder/microbubble reducer, or maybe a basement frag tank. Then, presto, awesomeness.
Well I am wanting to go retro on the lighting but I am really just wanting pristine water conditions for ultimate sps health and color and the space where the tank is going i can only do a 75 but i already have 3 frag tanks that are about 90gal a piece that are already going to go in the basement...Price i am not to concerned about because I have found that in the long run it pays off to buy one skimmer vurse 4 diff ones to find out that they all suck really bad, i don't have tons of money but I have no problem buying one thing at a time just so this setup is nearly perfect. As far as skimmers there are 1000s of diff opinions I just want one that will maintain nearly perfect nitrate nitrite amounts and the dependability to offer the same amount of skim weekly without haveing to constantly adjust it, or atleast the most steady skimm, which i am assuming just overkill it and it will be fine
corvettecris;198926 wrote: BUT, if you want all T5's, you have 2 ways to go, retro or fixture. Within those categories, as far as fixtures go the Tek and ATI should be great, ATI probably being the more powerful and expensive of the two. In the retro group, you could go with the standard Icecap 660s, overdriving all lamps, or try OD'ing the higher PAR lamps and just doing HO on teh supplementation/actinics. As far as reflectors go, icecaps or aquactinics would be good. Of course there are many ballasts choices, more than I care to begin listing. Also, there are lots of threads on this, including mine, so you could do a search for more info.

On the substrate, I'd just use what I liked. The lack of it's buffering is overcome by many barebottom enthusiasts, so I'm sure you'll be fine. Or, if you really want some white sand, put it all in the sump. THen use the black for the DT.

The skimmer is kinda a preference thing, depends a lot on how you want to set it up, what kind you want, how big, etc. THat will just require research and deciding what you prefer. THere are lots of threads about skimmers on here, so you also could do a search on this to see what people are recommending. There was actually one just recently from WILLIAM1.

But if you want a purely hypothetical ideal situation, In my opinion, if I was in your situation, I'd ditch the 75 for the biggest production tank I could comfortably fit in my space. I'd even prefer it in wall with a fish room as opposed to basement plumbed (I really like Cgill's in wall bowfron concept). I'd then use the 75 as a refugium, and maybe the 55 could be used as a media holder/microbubble reducer, or maybe a basement frag tank. Then, presto, awesomeness.


Did your hand cramp after that one?:thumbs:
How does this compare as a skimmer?

My Reef Creations MR-2R Recirculating Protein Skimmer
jeep9783;199300 wrote: How does this compare as a skimmer?

My Reef Creations MR-2R Recirculating Protein Skimmer

They handle the recommened tank size wonderfully. If you have a more specific question about them I'll be more than happy to answer it. I can walk you through whatever installation or specification questions you have.

We use the MR-2Rs around the shop for our QT and frag systems. They do a great job of keeping the water clean when I dump 4 boxes of fish into 250 gallons of water.

The MR-2R also comes with the quick disconnects standard, which makes cleaning the becketts and riser tube a breeze. Out of all the ones we make and I maintain for SEA, I think I prefer cleaning the MR-2R over the others. Just let me know if you'd like to come by the shop and see one running.
For lighting I like Aquactinics. They're expensive, but they make a great T5 fixture.

They use Ice Cap ballasts and use individual reflectors on all the bulbs.

The last one I installed was a 48" Black Solar Flare on a 48x30x30. I took the PAR readings with the light 12" above the water. I was hitting up to 75PAR under 30" water on the sand. To compare- an 84x30x36 with 2 x 1000w of 10k halides 24" off the water was hitting 150PAR on the sand.


We're a dealer, so we can get you a price on one.
Ok I found a great deal on a used MR-3 Protein Skimmer w/Quick Release how well would this work? Since my main focous is on SPS and clams?
I would buy a good Needle wheel skimmer - everything else in my opinion is outdated.