Uneducated purchase


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Ok, so I made a very uneducated purchase of an indonesian nudibranch chromodoris magnifica....


this thing is beyond cool looking and it was so cheap ($5.00) i got suckered (by my own fault) into buying one for my seahorse tank without knowing much about them......

well, after reading quite a bit, while i have found that they are Ok to keep with seahorses as far as competitiveness goes the problem is feeding them and keeping them alive....and if they die, they can be very toxic......that is the case whether it is a seahorse or reef tank.....

so, here are the questions.......does anyone have these? If so how are you keeping them alive?

Should I place it in my seahorse tank? (dose phyto everyday) or in my reef tank (dose phyto 2x week)?

Lastly, should I be this scared about this thing?
It looks like that it's diet is specific to sponges. Buying/growing a steady supply is pretty much your only hope. Unfortunately it may be a specific type of sponge as well.
I have some black sponges that grow quite well. Not for sure the type but I'll take a picture. If you want them I can get them off the rocks easily. LMK!
I had one as a hitch hiker that came in with a coral who had a bunch of sponges between its branches. Very pretty but I haven't seen it since. Mine was only about 1/2" tops.
¡Te quiero el hombre pero usted es un cubano tonto! Seriamente, pensaría de tomarlo de nuevo al almacén o de comenzar encima de su propio tanque. ¡Si usted necesita la esponja intentar alimentarlo, le daré alguno!

P.S. ¡Asno mudo!
Good translation, Lee! "I love ya but you're a stupid Cuban" ---- Classy!!!

As Brandon suggested, I'd just take it back, bro...
yes i admit that it was dumb.....but i had to give it a shot.....lol.....thats what sinks about inverts, the more colors the more toxic....

I hope it deosnt eat red tree sponge because I bought one of those too and it's awesome.......he hasnt even come close to it though.....

thanks for the offer of sponges....I'll do a little more research and see if I can find exactly what sponge it feasts on.......

this thing is cool, but not cool enough for its own tank......
We do love ya Jorge! ;)

Heck, i think they are so cool that I almost want to give myself flatworms so I can have a velvet nudi!!! But alas, I am not that in need for one!!!
ok, so apparently it eats a family of sponges callled Clathria mima</em>. It is a red sponge....

If anyone has some of this stuff that you are willing to part with or know of any place that I can get some please let me know.....the question is.....can you grow this stuffin your sump fast enough to keep up with the nudi's diet?

they are slow eaters and a small ball should keep them fed for a week or so (maybe longer) but I think the sponge is a slow grower too.....once the supply is out therein lies the problem
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Either a) you need to find a wholeseller who you can get red ball sponge from for cheap or b) you need to return him.

Red ball sponge is a very slow grower if you can get it to "grow" at all. Most people find that they have an hard enough time keeping it alive for longer then 6 months because of the feeding needs of the sponge. It is was common white sponge or "lace" sponge, I would say it would be a different story but I think you are going to be paying alot of money if you have to buy a $25 (retail) red ball sponge for him ever 2 weeks or so! Good note is a red ball sponge is about $10 on the wholeseller market.
i'd return him except that I bought him in Miami.......

as for getting the red ball sponge....even $10 every couple of weeks for this guy is too much......I'll see if I can trade him into an LFS.....or does anyone want him?
Nemo might give you the best trade on them. Seems Aaron always kepps nudi's that he shouldn't in his display tanks.
I notice all, son... All!!! ;)

They look cool, I just worry if it sends the wrong message...