Unexplain fish deaths


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I have a 40 gallon AIO that has been set up for a few months. All my coral ( sps) clean up crew and golden dwarf eel is completely fine and eating. Everything else I’m trying to add is not faring so well. My last purchase of a pair of frost bites... I’m down to one.

Parameters ( elos and Red Sea)

nitrites/ammonia : 0/0

nitrates: 15

phosphate: .08

calcium: 460-500

mag: 1200ish

Alk: 10.5

pH: 8.01-8.03

I do drip acclimated but I do not QT ( it’s my office tank ) Should I try a new LFS?
That I cannot be sure. The only fish that was introduce from the start was my golden dwarf. Besides him, tank was fallow for little over a month. My tank has been running warm to speed up and life cycle .  What else is there I can do to treat the whole tank?
What else hasn't made it? What symptoms before death and how long before they die addition and symptoms?
I’ve only added clowns. Heavy and rapid breathing was the sign . No signs of ich, brook and damage to the body last night
Hopefully,  @JennM will see this and chime in.  She more than likely will have some suggestions.  :)
I concur! PM JennM; she'll give you some sound advice. I trust JennM and I have read some other threads related to sick fish in the past here at ARC and I recommended that they also should PM JennM. I only hope the best for you in finding out what went wrong.

I feel like the genie...somebody rubbed the magic lamp and POOF!  Here I am!

First thing that jumps at me...what is your specific gravity?

And, did you compare your specific gravity to that of the bag water,  and what was the difference between the two?

My tank runs low at 1.024. This was planned for my travels, so that if my ato breaks for 7 days. The maximum evaporation summer will bring it to 1.026-27 over the course of the 7 days. And in case if the opposite happens and ato stays on, tank will drop to 23. As for the bag, I’ve gotten 1.019-1.021. I acclimate with a heater for 20 minutes usually brings it up to proper salinity. And the ato is switch to saltwater during acclimation for salinity won’t drop
No. Of the current pair , one has passed. Total fish lost is 9 over 3 monthes. Including 2 clowns and 2 wrasse 3 firefish and 2 hellfrechi. The fire fish and hellfrechi might have been my fault as I added them way too early.
I feel like the genie…somebody rubbed the magic lamp and POOF! Here I am!
Isnt the @mentions feature awesome.  :). Rub the lamp and the fish doctor shows up.  :) Sorry to Hijack your thread.
High jack all you want. It’s a community. Joking is encourage on any posts of mine:)
I acclimate for at least a half hour via drip for transfer to the same salinity. Then do a fresh water dip with that water ph & temp adjusted to the QT tank. For a big jump in salinity maybe a few hours with a real slow drip might be better.

If that won't work for you, maybe the next time you buy one see if the store will hold it for you and bring the salinity up over a few days before you come back and pick it up.

Another thing to think about is CO2. I would think your Alk would be lower if high CO2 was an issue though.
Last clown did not look good this morning. There’s a healthy eel inside, is there any point in going fallow with him in it? Or just try a different store for a pair of clowns? Im so frustrated
Might have found the culprit. My Golden dwarf moray is currently annoying my diamond goby by trying to eat him. The Goby is the size of my thumb and eel is the size of half my pinky...