unexplained drop in pH


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I do a 10% water change every weekend; i.e. 10 gallons in my 125g with tons of LR.

I noticed this morning (Tuesday) that my pH had droped to a dangerous level of about 7.5 -- I know raising it fast is out of the question -- so I have two questions:

1. What is the best way to raise it carefully?

2. What could be causing the drop?

Tank background: 125g with sump and skimmer; Lots of LR; 6 fish; assorted corals (all LPS); 3 x 150 MH lights with 4 x 96 PC; Measured parms on Sunday with everything at 0 and pH at 8.2; KH = 7 (using the Elos test kit).

Thanks for any and all suggestions.

What are you using to measure your PH? If it is a probe, check to make sure there is not an air bubble or anything on the probe.

I am using the probe on my ACJr. I also repositioned it this weekend. Good call.

I tested the water this morning using my API test kit (5 drops / 5ml) -- it read about 7.5 as well.

I'm starting to add (as prescribed) the Brightwell product called Alkalinity 8.3

Thanks for the follow up.

Your KH is not bad... What is your Mag and your CA? I mean it is very odd for a PH to drop that much, that quickly without a mechanical failure. You using RO water for new water and top off? Take your probe out and measure a glass of RO water and see what you get.

Other then that, I am out of ideas for testing a "bad" reading...
I don't have a Mag kit -- CA was about 320

Yes indeed -- I only use RO water. I've been buying it at Kroger lately since I hate to waste so much in the process. I took a reading of the RO water from Kroger this weekend -- it was 1.

I'll test the probe as you recommended and get back to you.

PH from the RO water from Kroger was 1?!? Or TDS was one?!? If the PH was 1 then there is your problem... (Note: I doubt it was considering it would kill you to drink it!) ;)

Sorry for the alarm -- I pulled the probe from the tank and found it dirty -- I shoved it into one of the overflows and when it hit bottom it became fouled.

Not sure why my first reading using the API kit was so off -- I just moved the probe to the DT and got a reading of 8.05 and rising. The kit now reads 8.4 -- what the heck!

I'm becoming convinced that the API kit may not be reliable enough for me.

LOL... I knew it had to be an error... Don't worry, I just went through the same thing the other day. If it keeps happening, the probe could be going bad (should be replaced about once a year).
I didn't see your earlier question about the water from Kroger.

It had a TDS = 1 (not the pH). I figure a TDS of 1 at 29-cents/gallon is a pretty good deal. I just load up every week with 15 gallons.

I have a white 32 gallon Brute that I plumbed with a spigot -- it's pretty convenient for now.

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