Unexplained fish death


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I moved a little over a month ago and have had no issues with my tank since setting it back up. It did involve a large water change but nothing seemed to skip a beat. A few days ago I noticed by purple firefish and my scissortail dartfish were missing. Finally found the firefish dead. The dartfish seems to be hiding but I haven't confirmed his death yet. Both fish were always active and out for feeding. No new fish or bullies in the tank and neither had any signs of disease. I thought it might be stress from moving but couldn't believe it would affect them out of the blue a month later. Thought I had an ammonia spike, but nothing. Salinity is 1.025 and temp stays at 77.5. thoughts?
Sometimes it just happens. Stress, a fright, something like that. Other fish fine? No markers of disease?
Every fish I have gets along and have been together for about a year. No signs of disease anywhere
I've found both of those species to be a little finicky. I've had a scissortail so scared to come out of hiding that it nearly starved once. Sorry for your loss :/
The funny thing is that the firefish survived two bouts of ich. Lost every other fish except him.