Unintended Effects - Pods galore!


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ok so when I set up the tank for my brother, I thought to myself that I didnt want to scratch the back glass when I laid all the rocks in the tank. So I went to HD and I bought a small piece of acrylic and placed it against the back glass. Now the rocks sit against that instead of against the glass and wha-la my glass doesn't get scratched!!! Awesome right?

Well even cooler is the fact that the space in between the glass and the acrylic (mm's thick) has provided a breeding ground for pods. In the small, thin space between glass and acrylic, pods have been multiplying like crazy.....its like a fuge back there. No predators can get to them and they are crawling around like its an ant farm. It's great. No scratched galss and a pod safe haven! :yay:
hmmm yeah! i wonder though if that'll cause an algae bloom in between the layers.....thatd be tough to clean.
Good deal man. Yeah I'd be a lil hesitant about the phyto back there. If any bit of light hits that you may have an issue with algae or the cyano. Who knows, you might not tho....and you may get it regardless. hopefully not tho.
Yeah, I was just thinking that myself. Inevitably, it will get dirty, whether it be algae of just muck. Maybe you can get one of those cleaning brushes and put it on a long handle and once in a while just scrub in between. Assuming the plexi will flex/move enough to squeeze one in.