unique and compatible


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I am looking for unique yet compatible fish to add to my reef tank. Have a few shrimp, Sailfin, Fox Face, diamond goby scissortail goby and chromis.

Any suggestions of something that is compatible? Seems like every LFS I go in has conflicting advice.
Comapatible... This is going to be a hard 1.

Nothing are truely compatible. It all depend on which fish in into the tank first.
How big is your tank? I am assuming quite large give the sailfin. Also, what kind of corals if any do you have?

I would not put any more Zebrasoma Tangs or rabbitfish in the tank. Beyond that you have lots of options. Personally, I love my Flame Hawkfish but he could get a shrimp if you aren't careful. Grammas are fun as well as Clowns. I love my Flame Angel and Coral Beauties are great. You can even go with an actual angel if you don't have corals. If you have a big tank, the Panther Grouper, Lionfish and Sweetlips can be great fish. Course they will probably get the shrimp and maybe a small fish or two. Clown Tangs are pretty cool.
Hey, you live pretty close to me and you bought a few frags from me before. Want some free frags? I'll give you a thin branch acro and a orange monti if you come pick it up.
I have a 125 gallon tank. I am just getting starting on Coral but will expand as $$$ allow. I have a few mushrooms, Xenia, Sebae, small pieces of acro, Kenya tree.
It's too late now, but if you didn't have those shrimp and fish already in there, predatory reef tanks are really cool.

Dwarf lions and scorpion fish make for really cool, unusual reef tanks, unfortunately, they will eat anything they can fit in to their relatively large mouths!
No peaceful reef tank is complete without a clownfish or two. The black false percs are always a lil more uncommon and I think would work just fine with your current occupants.