Unknown creature....what is it?


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I just bought some frags from CBA and when I took them out of the bags, this creature was in the bag. 1/4 inch long with dark bands, long antenae and "whiskers on the front and back. It arcs its body to move. Kind of jumps? What is it? Good or bad?

These are the best pics I could take, sorry. I wanted to ask before I threw it in my tank.

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yup yup... Amphipod... its a keeper. :)

What'd ya get at CBA hhhmmmm?????
tsciarini;34504 wrote: yup yup... Amphipod... its a keeper. :)

What'd ya get at CBA hhhmmmm?????

Just 3 little frags of colorful zoos and a small red starfish. CBA now has lots of the small, red reef stars that people seem to want. I aclimated him for 3+ hours and seems to be doing ok.

Thanks for the advice, everyone, for the amphipod ID. I just tossed him in and he is hanging out! :up:

BTW, Tony, the website will not let me PM you. I need to call you or email you about the FL Pets order.
youre probably trying to email me thru the website.... I turned that off... you should be able to PM me

if not, just call me... youve got my number
My fuge is crawling (literally) with these things. They're great food for all the fish. There's even one that's managed to survive in a spot in the main tank between 2 sps. I don't know how. He's got to be over 1/2" long now. They're fun to watch in a fuge because they'll hunt the smaller pods.

However, I think the mysis shrimp will win the population battle in my fuge.
George;34660 wrote: However, I think the mysis shrimp will win the population battle in my fuge.

??? Aren't mysis freshwater shrimp? Do you mean Ghost shrimp?
Schwaggs;34795 wrote: ??? Aren't mysis freshwater shrimp? Do you mean Ghost shrimp?
Mysid shrimp is a huge genera of shrimp. The frozen miysis we buy to feed are typically from freshwater, but there are just as many saltwater mysids. Like george, my refugium is ridiculously crawling with amphipods, copepods, mysids, amongst others.
leveldrummer: Every time I see that picture, I can't sleep for days afterward. Gives me the creepy-crawlies LOL
Contender;35045 wrote: Where or how can I get live Mysids?

they just arrive- on live rock, corals, macroalgae, etc. You probably have them in your tank now, you just dont see them. They are a prey sepcies, so they hide almost all the time. In refugiums (where predators arent allowed), they proliferate, and become very obvious.