Unwanted Visitor - Good/Bad?

Could it be a amphipod or copepod? If so they are fantastic tank CUC and an amazing food source for fish. There are multiple types of both.
I think it could be an amphipod. The one in the picture seem to be translucent white, but I’m guessing that could be the underbelly I am looking at? I have to take a closer look tomorrow. Thanks for the reply!
Actually it's better to look for these guys at night. There are a variety of creatures that come out at night in our tanks that you may not see during the day.
If you have a red light you can take a look at your tank without frightening them. You may have a headlamp or flashlight that has a red light. A buddy of mine used the tail light from his bicycle to view his tank at night. A Phillips Hue bulb on a lamp set to red may work. Hey it's almost Christmas ask your wife if she has a red glass ornament or clear red giftbag paper you can shine a flashlight through.

It's amazing what you might see. Please report back on what you may find.
Actually it's better to look for these guys at night. There are a variety of creatures that come out at night in our tanks that you may not see during the day.
If you have a red light you can take a look at your tank without frightening them. You may have a headlamp or flashlight that has a red light. A buddy of mine used the tail light from his bicycle to view his tank at night. A Phillips Hue bulb on a lamp set to red may work. Hey it's almost Christmas ask your wife if she has a red glass ornament or clear red giftbag paper you can shine a flashlight through.

It's amazing what you might see. Please report back on what you may find.
I’ll do that tonight. Thanks for the insight! More to come!