Update and looks like my rbta is splitting


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I couldn't have done this without arc. I got a lot of this from members beside the help and suggestions.

I got the nem from a member. It's huge and hosted my spotcincrus female immediately. It looks like it's working on splitting. It's be searring a little more everyday for the last week or so.

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<!-- gcu-updated ame -->https://youtu.be/AqpYbm63E-s<!-- gcu-updated /ame -->
Aw hell I got a golf clap. :yes:Those pink palies are from yall. Some xenia I didn't show. I got those cardinals and a light foot today. And a bunch of copepods.
The apex
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Not bad. Still trying to dial in my kalk.
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This RBTA is starting to get a little aggravating. He's HUGE and sprawls out bigger than a dinner plate! I had to move several corals that he was stinging. It still hasn't split. It looks less likely to split now. I don't want to drop the temp too far as I have a torch I don't want to damage. Plus I don't have a chiller so I could only drop the temp at night. It will come back up during the day. Anything else I can do?
You could always take it out and cut it up yourself. I've done that on occasion when they get too big. One thing I've noticed is that btas seem to require a fair amount of potassium to be healthy and split on their own. Not sure if you're checking that but it could be a factor.
I had 2 rbta, started dosing vodka and ended up with 7 in 2 weeks. Then they killed almost everything around them. Yay rbta hahaha
I got about 11 in my tank now. Some even stay right next to the corals but so far so good. Have not seen damage to any of the corals.
It definitely damaged the birdsnest that it was touching. Not terribly though. I've had it for a while. It's finally deciding to bubble a little bit. I've been feeding it a lot lately.
Have you tried lowering the lights and putting on some Barry White. I heard it works for some people


Hadn't heard about the potassium thing, wouldn't mind reading up on that. Awhile ago, a long time member Lil Robb did a 'nem fragging demonstration. It's a bit fuzzy, but what I remember was

1-Make sure there is a section of the mouth and outside edge
2- Make the surface cut area as small as possible. Think cutting a doughnut in half as opposed to quarters.
3- Use the same tank that they are growing in as the prorogation tank... don't switch to a new tank after cutting.
If it decides to start walking around I'll cut it. If not I'm just going to leave it.