Upgraded my skimmer....now it's time for fish!


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Finally got a real skimmer for my 28 instead of the silly airstone skimmer it came with:doh: Now that I have my corals growing well I'm ready for some fish. My stocking list is below but I likely will not add all of them. What order should I add them to avoid potential problems. The clown will be last in.

- Clownfish (likely just a plain OC)
- Goby (likely a watchman variety)
- Firefish
- Small reef-safe Fairy or Flasher Wrasse
- Possibly a spotted cardinal
- Possibly a blenny

If I had to take a shot, I'd say the goby, firefish, and cardinal could go in together 1st. Then add the rest one at a time: blenny then wrasse then clown.
possible goby/blenny conflict; both are bottom dwellers, so there may be an issue. I think the tank would be too small for the wrasses as well...otherwise, the list sounds ok in any order.
That seems to be a pretty safe mix to me, but I think you got it right. The clown and maybe the wrasse could be last. I would think the firefish should be first. I dont know much about them but they seem very docile.
take that back, my clown is an angry sob, so maybe add that one last, but I'm sure mine is just because they're tomatoes.
The wrasse is in the mix because of beauty and they eat small snails. My tank is embarrasing due to the amount of small snails that have turned up and cover my glass. Mainly stomatellas and trochus snails. I know they're good guys, but I seriously have epademic proportions...LOL.

The wrasses I'm considering are all around 3" grown and listed for small tanks. I will be talking to Wrasse-Master Jin before final selection:thumbs:
Scrape off abunch of those stometellas and I'll take them!
jonboyb;267483 wrote: The wrasses I'm considering are all around 3" grown and listed for small tanks.

Sounds good, I'm not familiar with many wrasses, so you know more than I.
Trust me, if I could donate them I would. The unfortunate part is that once they get to a decent size, maybe 1/4", my emerald crabs eat them...LOL. I have a couple hefty emeralds now. I don't know why they developed a taste for Stomatells, but they definantly did. They don't touch any of the other snails, shrimp, etc. so that's good at least. Basically, once they're big enough to do some good, they disappear.
Hi jonboyb,

Did you get the AquaC up and running then?

I had a yellow coris in my nanocube 28 for many months and spoke to Jin about adding a fairy/flasher. He said they would get along great so I added the flasher a week ago. They get along great so far.
Not yet, I'll set it up when it's time to clean the airstone skimmer. I had just replaced the stone before I came to your place so it's pumping out the skimmate right now. I didn't even notice you had a wrasse the day I was there. He musta' been hiding:D Which kind of flasher did you go with?
McCosker's. He looks pretty cool when he flairs his fins, this is rare, but cool.
Ahhhh....you joker! You're the one that got Tim's McCosker:D That was my top choice too, guess I'll settle for a Carpenter's now. Don't want to be a copy-cat:thumbs: You gotta at least give me a picture of it...LOL.
Yep, I snagged it a couple of days after he got it in.

He had some gorgeous Labout's in as well. You could always drop $170 on one of those. :)
I actually want a Possum Wrasse to be different.....but I haven't seen one available in the year or so I been researching/setting up my reef