Upgraded tank, where to go next.


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Hey everyone! So I recently upgraded out of my Fluval Edge 6 gallon into a biocube 14 gallon.

I know it's not much of a size upgrade but my tank is in my dorm room so I'm size restricted.

I wanted some advice as to where to go next with my tank. I have so many options and I want to rush and get a bunch of new stuff but I'm limited by both money and the fear of rushing into things.

Right now here's what I have in terms of livestock:

1 snowflake clown
5 snail CUC

1 head torch
Eagle eyes
Kedd Red
King Midas
Orange Oxide.
Fire and Ice
Mystery pink ones
Green mushrooms.
Pulsing Xenia.
Blue Mushrooms.
Mystery sps. (got for free)
Mystery leather. (got for free)

So my question is what to do next. I have a wish list of corals and critters I want but does anyone have any suggestions? I see everyone's amazing tanks on here and hope I can get to that level one day.

Wish list:

Yellow Clown Goby
Blood shrimp
More CUC

Some cool zoas
Golden torch or frogspawn
Some cool looking candy canes

Thanks everyone! I'm open to all input/ideas


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Forgot to add a picture! lol
class="gc-images" title="uploadfromtaptalk1390626761604.jpg[/IMG] style="max-width:400px" /></a>

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How's the params? Tank looks good! I would throw some frogspawn or hammer in there and wait for everything to grow out. I just got some Jedi mind trick for my tank and it is sick!
Looking good. I'm thinking of settign up something like that on my desk at work.
The hardest part is being patient, especially with me stating at it while I do homework. lol. I don't have a test kit, so I don't know the params atm. I need to invest in one soon.

And you totally should! I am a college student and on a budget but this has been such a rewarding hobby. Nanos aren't too hard, especially if you keep up with the water changes.

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farmo;937763 wrote: Here is an update!

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Tank looks great
Oh dang I didn't notice! Thanks!

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Looks GREAT.. I would look at a mate for the clown and the watchman with a pistol would be a nice addition.

My $.02
Thanks so much! It means a lot. I was thinking about that, and maybe adding a firefish. I had the Watchman and shrimp combo but got rid of them after the pistol killed my cleaner shrimp.

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