Upgrading, Couple ?'s


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I hope to be upgrading in Aprilish, to a 90 gallon. My 29 reef tank will go into a 12 gallon nano cube, and the fish accept for the watchman into the 90.
So for a sump this is what I was thinking.
Have the overflow drain into a 20l with the skimmer, water treatment ext, then attach the 20l to a 10 gallon as a fuge.
Is this possible?If so how? I already have made a 10 gallon sump but never drilled or connected aquariums together.

How much for these
20l sump
(already have 10)
(tank 90)
Lights (Stock) no point cause its FOWLR
... ext
Probably the easiest way to accomplish what your proposing would be to Tee off the drain from the display tank, and have a portion of the water drain directly into your 'fuge. You'll need a ball valve to adjust the flow going into the 'fuge, and your 'fuge will need to sit higher than your sump. Then you can have an overflow that drains your 'fuge into your sump.
Big D, depending on the size of his return pump, that might be too much flow through the refugium.
Im not exactly sure how to plumb the 10 to the 20. I havent bought the tank but I could go to a bigger tank. And the flow Im guessing 1200-1400 would be enough?
prob a 1" drain ?? good for 700 or 800 gph?? By April i will have an Iwaki 30rlt pump, i will sell it to you if you want. That is ideal for that 90g. I am using it now but replacing it when i go bigger in a couple of months. I agree w/ wbholwell - for your fuge, you can t off your main drain and then have the fuge overflow through a bulkhead and pvc then back to your sump. I havent forgotten about your zoo rock, i have yet to make some :(
Alright.I think that is what I may do.This tank is still in the planning stages any may not fall through :( .
And its alright about that zoo rock lol. I wont be at the september meeting(Going to a braves game with my dad). I will attend the october one though. Gives you more time lol.
well, if you need help planning it , just let me know. What kind of fish are you planning on keeping?
The tank would be pretty much reef accept for no corals. So the corals would be moved to a 10 gallon reef tank with the watchman and gramma.
2 clowns
Pygmy Angel
Yellow Tang?
Hippo tang?
2 Anthias