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Im getting a 55 gallon tank tomorrow. Just a deal I can't pass on. Its a freshwater set up. So I'll have to buy the equipment needed to make it a saltwater tank. It will be FOWLR. Since I have time to save and be choosy on this one, I want to do it right. The best I can afford. I don't want to buy equipment that will " have to do for now" only to buy better equipment later. At the same time, I don't want to go crazy with money either. Any suggestions? I will be keeping my nano as a quarantine tank so I won't be using any parts of it for the new tank. Thanks in advance.
Well, with it being FOWLR, I dont think you need to do much....Lighting wont really matter, no need for dosing, no reason to get Vortec Pumps... I see no reason to drill and have a sump.

Pick a light you light. Use a big AC150 with an inTank media basket for filtration, maybe some live rock/sand, and you are good to go.

However, I think its pretty common for people to start with FOWLR, and then slowly convert it into a mixed reef....if thats a possibility then we go really deep.
That's what I was thinking right after I posted this. I want a FOWLR now, but I already have corals in my nano, so its quite possible Ill end up wanting a mixed reef. Lol. I just don't want to regret not being able to keep what I want to keep down the road.
You wont be able to properly QT in the nano if there is coral, rock and a substrate in it. So you'd have to either buy another small tank for QT'ing or move everything from the nano to the new system.

Knowing what your initial and long term plans are for the 55 will help you make better equipment choices and not buy the same things twice.
You're right. Im going to have a mixed reef. Eventually. So Im going to set up for one. Any suggestions on size and brands of skimmers and mechanical filtration? Im going with the current USA orbit pro on lights, I think. I have this on my nano and love the ramp timer. Really nice.
As far as WaveMakers, I'd personally do 2 rw-8 jebao pumps. If my memory serves me right, the 55 is tempered completely. In that case I would use a Flu value FX4 or 5 on it for mechanical filtration. Although it might not be necessary with a good HOB skimmer. I personally like reef octopus skimmers but eshopps has some nice hob stuff.

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